200 Characters for Rating a Resource?

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If the issues was when someone does one or two words ? Why did it jump so far from the original issues of a few characters?

This seems to be more of a Sentence VS Paragraph issues, as 250 is a paragraph pretty easy.
If the issues was when someone does one or two words ? Why did it jump so far from the original issues of a few characters?

This seems to be more of a Sentence VS Paragraph issues, as 250 is a paragraph pretty easy.

Those 3 sentences puts you at about 215 characters.

I'm almost positive that took 2-3 hours to post though, or at least that is what everyone complaining about the length is making it seem like.
It was an observation, this thread was developed and kept open for discussion on the subject was it not ?
I posed a question, But I appreciate your professionalism? in your response.
It was an observation, this thread was developed and kept open for discussion on the subject was it not ?
I posed a question, But I appreciate your professionalism? in your response.


And I used your post for some perspective on the issue.
Get a grip people is it!! Those of you that aren't happy with the 250 minimum character for rating a resource have spent more time, effort and characters complaining about the damn thing, why didn't you put that effort into a review? It's pretty simple really, you rate what you feel out of 1-5 stars then write something constructive on why you believe that modification deserves such a rating. If I'm looking for an addon and read some reviews I really don't want to read......

'great addon'
'i love it'
'does exactly what I want'

Ok so why is it great? why do you love it? how has it helped you with your forum design/features? why do you love it so much? how has it done exactly what you want?

If you can't come up with something constructive to help others decide whether that addon is worth them using and all you want to do is thank the dev, send them a PC or send a little thank you in the discussion thread.

Rant Over!!
Today I did a review for addon and had to type this. :
Quick easy install, works the way it should .Keep up the good work. wonder why reviews require so much additions to make a comment? Thank You....................................................................................................................
If the staff encounter any reviews such as that, they will be deleted.
Hi Brogan, I guess my question was take out of context so I will clarify.
I just found it unpleasant I am being told I have to think up what my review is and set it to a word count, and can not just say what I feel about the program. Takes the whole personal touch right out of it.

The systems as it is tells me now to make up other fill ins I was not thinking about no natural flow .
Does that not take away what a personal review should be, but personal?

If the idea is to get the community involved right, and share what we feel about the work?
How can dictating a count make those two meet, I just do not see being told what to say and feel can reflect a personal review was
all the point was. I apologies for the long version the short was misunderstood.

OK I wont beat the dead horse here, gave my input either its a good thought or people wont agree.

As Forest Gump said, "That's all I have to say about that".

Have a good one guys. :)
It's up to site owners how they run their sites.
The owners of this site have decided they would like to have reviews of a minimum character count.

We may not always agree with how sites are run and can feed back to the owners areas which we feel can be improved but ultimately it's their decision.
As promised, of the reviews which have been posted since the minimum character count was introduced, those which were deliberately padded to bypass the controls which have been put in place, have been deleted.
215 characters are nothing, nevertheless all your customers don't have English as mother language. And some might have difficulties to express their opinions as we can see sometimes in the bug reports section. So deleting some of these reviews because it was missing only a few characters might also seem a little bit extreme. But like it has been said, it's up to site owners to define how they manage their customers.
You'll know when they do there will be a new thread that 200 characters is still too long :ROFLMAO:
I'll get started on that. I should be able to write a review that simply says, "Love this! Does exactly what it says it should do and is simple to use!" <-- 71 characters. Decent review.
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