2.2 beta 1 first impressions


Well-known member
I have my dev running 2.2b1 now. So far, so good. I created Suggestion and Article forums, enabled Question threads in one of my existing forums. Haven't done a search node yet but that's mostly because I was wracking my brain for something sensible to make one for. I did start creating one to see the setup page and what criteria I have at my disposal. Have not really found anything I couldn't figure out once I located the right settings in ACP. It doesn't seem to have broken my one add-on (Xenporta by @Jaxel). I did have a problem with voting buttons not showing at first but it was just my style and it got fixed pretty quickly. So I think I am happy with it so far. Want to play some more and figure out how I am going to make use of the thread/forum types and search forums before I "go live" but I assume I've got a few weeks to do that while they go through the beta testing process. I have invited my usual testers (basically my current mods and the other admins) to have a boo and give their thoughts.

Anyone else got first impressions?
I would like to get the tool to batch change threads from discussion to questions. I read it will come at some point.
I replicated my forum 2.1.10 and upgraded it to 2.2. Everything went so smooth that I'm itching to upgrade my production forum. )
I have invited my usual testers (basically my current mods and the other admins) to have a boo and give their thoughts.
Does xenForo team allow it? I'd love to give my mod squad a boot camp, too? before the production forum gets upgraded.
We installed XF 2.2 as an upgrade in the test environment. Except for a few problems with the templates, where I should redeclare a modification, there were no problems. Everything is going as expected.
I hope that there will be some information about converting topic forums into article forums etc.

You can only say more details in live mode because there are no users in the test forum - it will be exciting. ;)
My dev was originally created for the 1.x to 2.x upgrade. I set up three passwords, one for me, one for Council (mods and admins), one for a select group of "champions" (just 2 or 3 people) I brought on to learn and help boost Xenforo 2.

This time, it will probably be just the Council. Not sure additional "champions" are needed for this upgrade.
Has anyone taken the plunge and upgraded their own live site or have started a fresh new build would like to see how the new upgrade looks, post below.
Thing is, they are still sometimes changing and adding things right up to the RCs. I don't want to subject my users to that even if the beta is stable. Bully for those who try using it in a live environment but it's not how I swing.
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