time php cmd.php xf:upgrade
Current version: 2000031
Upgrade target: 2000032 (2.0.0 Beta 2)
Are you sure you want to continue with the upgrade? [y/n] y
Running upgrade to 2.0.0 Beta 2, step 1... done.
Running upgrade to 2.0.0 Beta 2, step 2... done.
Importing... Master data (Templates)
Importing... Master data (Templates: 25.6%)
Importing... Master data (Templates: 56.5%)
Rebuilding... Phrases .
Upgrade completed successfully.
real 0m47.439s
user 0m18.573s
sys 0m1.570s
time php cmd.php xf:addon-upgrade XFES
Please confirm that you want to upgrade the following add-on: (XenForo Enhanced Search 2.0.0 Beta 1) (y/n)y
Importing add-on data
Importing... Add-on data (Admin navigation)
Importing... Add-on data (Code event listeners)
Importing... Add-on data (Cron)
Importing... Add-on data (Options)
Importing... Add-on data (Phrases)
Importing... Add-on data (Routes)
Importing... Add-on data (Templates)
real 0m14.042s
user 0m0.500s
sys 0m0.100s
time php cmd.php xf:addon-upgrade XFMG
Please confirm that you want to upgrade the following add-on: (XenForo Media Gallery 2.0.0 Beta 1) (y/n)y
Upgrading .
Importing add-on data
Importing... Add-on data (Admin navigation)
Importing... Add-on data (Admin permission)
Importing... Add-on data (Bb codes)
Importing... Add-on data (Class extensions)
Importing... Add-on data (Code events)
Importing... Add-on data (Code event listeners)
Importing... Add-on data (Content type fields)
Importing... Add-on data (Cron)
Importing... Add-on data (Member stats)
Importing... Add-on data (Navigation)
Importing... Add-on data (Options)
Importing... Add-on data (Option groups)
Importing... Add-on data (Permissions)
Importing... Add-on data (Permission interface groups)
Importing... Add-on data (Phrases)
Importing... Add-on data (Routes)
Importing... Add-on data (Style properties)
Importing... Add-on data (Style property groups)
Importing... Add-on data (Templates)
Importing... Add-on data (Template modifications)
Importing... Add-on data (Widget definitions)
Importing... Add-on data (Widget positions)
real 0m7.713s
user 0m2.655s
sys 0m0.197s
time php cmd.php xf:addon-upgrade XFRM
Please confirm that you want to upgrade the following add-on: (XenForo Resource Manager 2.0.0 Beta 1) (y/n)y
Importing add-on data
Importing... Add-on data (Admin navigation)
Importing... Add-on data (Admin permission)
Importing... Add-on data (Class extensions)
Importing... Add-on data (Code event listeners)
Importing... Add-on data (Content type fields)
Importing... Add-on data (Member stats)
Importing... Add-on data (Navigation)
Importing... Add-on data (Options)
Importing... Add-on data (Option groups)
Importing... Add-on data (Permissions)
Importing... Add-on data (Permission interface groups)
Importing... Add-on data (Phrases)
Importing... Add-on data (Routes)
Importing... Add-on data (Templates)
Importing... Add-on data (Template modifications)
Importing... Add-on data (Widget definitions)
Importing... Add-on data (Widget positions)
real 0m6.007s
user 0m2.478s
sys 0m0.170s
Upload the files as you normally would then run the command:
Code:php cmd.php xf:upgrade
After that, you would run the following for each add-on:
Code:php cmd.php xf:addon-upgrade <addon_id>
Just asking so I know whether I should bookmark this thread or not ... are the XF 2.x CLI commands documented somewhere yet?so for addons it would be ?
Code:php cmd.php xf:addon-upgrade xfes php cmd.php xf:addon-upgrade xfmg php cmd.php xf:addon-upgrade xfresource
php cmd.php list
xf:addon-disable Disables the specified add-on. If no add-on ID is provided, all enabled add-ons will be disabled.
xf:addon-enable Enable the specified add-on. If no add-on ID is provided, all disabled add-ons will be enabled.
xf:addon-install Installs the specified add-on
xf:addon-rebuild Rebuilds the specified add-on data.
xf:addon-uninstall Uninstalls the specified add-on
xf:addon-upgrade Upgrades the specified add-on
xf:convert-utf8mb4 Converts XenForo tables to utf8mb4
xf:file-check Performs a file health check
xf:install Installs XenForo
xf:rebuild-master-data Rebuilds the core XF master data.
xf:upgrade Upgrades XenForo
xf-addon:build-release Performs an export of the current XML data and saves a ZIP file to _releases
xf-addon:bump-version Bumps the version of the specified add-on
xf-addon:create Creates an XF add-on and writes out the basic addon.json file.
xf-addon:export Exports the XML files for an add-on
xf-addon:setup-step Runs a specific step from the specified add-on Setup class.
xf-addon:sync-json Syncs the contents of the add-on JSON file to the database, updating the title, version and JSON hash as necessary
xf-addon:validate-json Validates the contents of the add-on JSON file to ensure all of the required values exist and are of the correct type.
xf-designer:disable Disables designer mode on the specified style
xf-designer:enable Enables designer mode on the specified style
xf-designer:export Exports modified templates from the database to the file system for the specified designer mode.
xf-designer:export-style-properties Exports style properties for the specified designer mode ID.
xf-designer:export-templates Exports templates for the specified designer mode ID.
xf-designer:import Imports designer files from the file system for the specified designer mode.
xf-designer:import-style-properties Imports style properties from specified designer mode files
xf-designer:import-templates Imports templates from specified designer mode files
xf-designer:revert-template Reverts the specified template.
xf-designer:sync-templates Syncs the contents of the template files to the DB for the specified designer mode, applying version number updates
xf-designer:touch-template Marks the specified template as modified in the specified style and exports it.
xf-dev:class-lint Checks that all classes can be loaded without conflicts
xf-dev:compare-schema Compares database schemas for consequential differences
xf-dev:export Exports all data to development files
xf-dev:export-admin-navigation Exports Admin navigation to development files
xf-dev:export-admin-permissions Exports Admin permissions to development files
xf-dev:export-advertising-positions Exports advertising positions to development files
xf-dev:export-bb-code-media-sites Exports bb code media sites to development files
xf-dev:export-bb-codes Exports bb codes to development files
xf-dev:export-class-extensions Exports class extensions to development files
xf-dev:export-code-event-listeners Exports code event listeners to development files
xf-dev:export-code-events Exports code events to development files
xf-dev:export-content-types Exports content types to development files
xf-dev:export-cron-entries Exports cron entries to development files
xf-dev:export-help-pages Exports help pages to development files
xf-dev:export-member-stats Exports member stats to development files
xf-dev:export-navigation Exports Navigation to development files
xf-dev:export-options Exports options to development files
xf-dev:export-permissions Exports Permissions to development files
xf-dev:export-phrases Exports phrases to development files
xf-dev:export-routes Exports Routes to development files
xf-dev:export-style-properties Exports style properties to development files
xf-dev:export-template-modifications Exports template modifications to development files
xf-dev:export-templates Exports templates to development files
xf-dev:export-widget-definitions Exports widget definitions to development files
xf-dev:export-widget-positions Exports widget positions to development files
xf-dev:generate-entity-dw Generates an entity from a legacy DataWriter
xf-dev:generate-phpstorm-meta Generates a .phpstorm.meta.php file for dynamic return type hinting
xf-dev:generate-schema-entity Generates schema code from an entity
xf-dev:import Imports all data from development files
xf-dev:import-admin-navigation Imports admin navigation from development files
xf-dev:import-admin-permissions Imports admin permissions from development files
xf-dev:import-advertising-positions Imports advertising positions from development files
xf-dev:import-bb-code-media-sites Imports bb code media sites from development files
xf-dev:import-bb-codes Imports bb codes from development files
xf-dev:import-class-extensions Imports class extensions from development files
xf-dev:import-code-event-listeners Imports code event listeners from development files
xf-dev:import-code-events Imports code events from development files
xf-dev:import-content-types Imports content types from development files
xf-dev:import-cron-entries Imports cron entries from development files
xf-dev:import-help-pages Imports help pages from development files
xf-dev:import-member-stats Imports member stats from development files
xf-dev:import-navigation Imports navigation from development files
xf-dev:import-options Imports options from development files
xf-dev:import-permissions Imports permissions from development files
xf-dev:import-phrases Imports phrases from development files
xf-dev:import-routes Imports routes from development files
xf-dev:import-style-properties Imports style properties from development files
xf-dev:import-template-modifications Imports template modifications from development files
xf-dev:import-templates Imports templates from development files
xf-dev:import-widget-definitions Imports widget definitions from development files
xf-dev:import-widget-positions Imports widget positions from development files
xf-dev:metadata-clean Cleans up the metadata JSON files and removes missing entries
xf-dev:rebuild-caches Rebuilds various caches
xf-dev:rebuild-metadata Rebuilds metadata hashes based on file system content
xf-dev:recompile Recompiles all template/phrase data
xf-dev:recompile-phrases Recompiles phrases
xf-dev:recompile-style-properties Recompiles style properties
xf-dev:recompile-templates Recompiles parsed templates
xf-dev:sync-templates Syncs the contents of the template files to the DB, applying version number updates
xf-dev:update-version Updates the XF version to the same version as in the XF files.
xf-dev:upgrade-step Runs a specific upgrade step from a specified upgrade class.
Code:php cmd.php xf:addon-upgrade <addon_id>
php cmd.php xf:addon-upgrade <addon1_id> [<addon2_id> <addon3_id> ...]
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