XF 2.0 2.0.0 Beta 1 upgrade 2.0.0 Beta 2


Well-known member
I see 2.0.0 beta 2 and official addons have been released. I know the old upload files and run upgrade via admin in browser works. But what's the exact steps to leverage the new SSH command line for upgrading both the XF core and official addons ?


Upload the files as you normally would then run the command:
php cmd.php xf:upgrade

After that, you would run the following for each add-on:
php cmd.php xf:addon-upgrade <addon_id>
Perfect upgrade took ~75 seconds on 2 core OpenVZ VPS https://community.centminmod.com/threads/xenforo-2-0-0-beta-1-released.12781/#post-54497

time php cmd.php xf:upgrade
Current version: 2000031
Upgrade target: 2000032 (2.0.0 Beta 2)
Are you sure you want to continue with the upgrade? [y/n] y

Running upgrade to 2.0.0 Beta 2, step 1... done.
Running upgrade to 2.0.0 Beta 2, step 2... done.
Importing... Master data (Templates)
Importing... Master data (Templates: 25.6%)
Importing... Master data (Templates: 56.5%)
Rebuilding... Phrases . 

Upgrade completed successfully.

real    0m47.439s
user    0m18.573s
sys     0m1.570s
time php cmd.php xf:addon-upgrade XFES
Please confirm that you want to upgrade the following add-on: (XenForo Enhanced Search 2.0.0 Beta 1) (y/n)y

Importing add-on data
Importing... Add-on data (Admin navigation)
Importing... Add-on data (Code event listeners)
Importing... Add-on data (Cron)
Importing... Add-on data (Options)
Importing... Add-on data (Phrases)
Importing... Add-on data (Routes)
Importing... Add-on data (Templates)

real    0m14.042s
user    0m0.500s
sys     0m0.100s
time php cmd.php xf:addon-upgrade XFMG
Please confirm that you want to upgrade the following add-on: (XenForo Media Gallery 2.0.0 Beta 1) (y/n)y
Upgrading .

Importing add-on data
Importing... Add-on data (Admin navigation)
Importing... Add-on data (Admin permission)
Importing... Add-on data (Bb codes)
Importing... Add-on data (Class extensions)
Importing... Add-on data (Code events)
Importing... Add-on data (Code event listeners)
Importing... Add-on data (Content type fields)
Importing... Add-on data (Cron)
Importing... Add-on data (Member stats)
Importing... Add-on data (Navigation)
Importing... Add-on data (Options)
Importing... Add-on data (Option groups)
Importing... Add-on data (Permissions)
Importing... Add-on data (Permission interface groups)
Importing... Add-on data (Phrases)
Importing... Add-on data (Routes)
Importing... Add-on data (Style properties)
Importing... Add-on data (Style property groups)
Importing... Add-on data (Templates)
Importing... Add-on data (Template modifications)
Importing... Add-on data (Widget definitions)
Importing... Add-on data (Widget positions)

real    0m7.713s
user    0m2.655s
sys     0m0.197s
time php cmd.php xf:addon-upgrade XFRM
Please confirm that you want to upgrade the following add-on: (XenForo Resource Manager 2.0.0 Beta 1) (y/n)y

Importing add-on data
Importing... Add-on data (Admin navigation)
Importing... Add-on data (Admin permission)
Importing... Add-on data (Class extensions)
Importing... Add-on data (Code event listeners)
Importing... Add-on data (Content type fields)
Importing... Add-on data (Member stats)
Importing... Add-on data (Navigation)
Importing... Add-on data (Options)
Importing... Add-on data (Option groups)
Importing... Add-on data (Permissions)
Importing... Add-on data (Permission interface groups)
Importing... Add-on data (Phrases)
Importing... Add-on data (Routes)
Importing... Add-on data (Templates)
Importing... Add-on data (Template modifications)
Importing... Add-on data (Widget definitions)
Importing... Add-on data (Widget positions)

real    0m6.007s
user    0m2.478s
sys     0m0.170s
Upload the files as you normally would then run the command:
php cmd.php xf:upgrade

After that, you would run the following for each add-on:
php cmd.php xf:addon-upgrade <addon_id>

so for addons it would be ?
php cmd.php xf:addon-upgrade xfes
php cmd.php xf:addon-upgrade xfmg
php cmd.php xf:addon-upgrade xfresource
Just asking so I know whether I should bookmark this thread or not ... are the XF 2.x CLI commands documented somewhere yet?
Sort of self documenting.

From your shell, change the directory to your XF root and then run:
php cmd.php list

Which will output:
Rich (BB code):
  xf:addon-disable                      Disables the specified add-on. If no add-on ID is provided, all enabled add-ons will be disabled.
  xf:addon-enable                       Enable the specified add-on. If no add-on ID is provided, all disabled add-ons will be enabled.
  xf:addon-install                      Installs the specified add-on
  xf:addon-rebuild                      Rebuilds the specified add-on data.
  xf:addon-uninstall                    Uninstalls the specified add-on
  xf:addon-upgrade                      Upgrades the specified add-on
  xf:convert-utf8mb4                    Converts XenForo tables to utf8mb4
  xf:file-check                         Performs a file health check
  xf:install                            Installs XenForo
  xf:rebuild-master-data                Rebuilds the core XF master data.
  xf:upgrade                            Upgrades XenForo
  xf-addon:build-release                Performs an export of the current XML data and saves a ZIP file to _releases
  xf-addon:bump-version                 Bumps the version of the specified add-on
  xf-addon:create                       Creates an XF add-on and writes out the basic addon.json file.
  xf-addon:export                       Exports the XML files for an add-on
  xf-addon:setup-step                   Runs a specific step from the specified add-on Setup class.
  xf-addon:sync-json                    Syncs the contents of the add-on JSON file to the database, updating the title, version and JSON hash as necessary
  xf-addon:validate-json                Validates the contents of the add-on JSON file to ensure all of the required values exist and are of the correct type.
  xf-designer:disable                   Disables designer mode on the specified style
  xf-designer:enable                    Enables designer mode on the specified style
  xf-designer:export                    Exports modified templates from the database to the file system for the specified designer mode.
  xf-designer:export-style-properties   Exports style properties for the specified designer mode ID.
  xf-designer:export-templates          Exports templates for the specified designer mode ID.
  xf-designer:import                    Imports designer files from the file system for the specified designer mode.
  xf-designer:import-style-properties   Imports style properties from specified designer mode files
  xf-designer:import-templates          Imports templates from specified designer mode files
  xf-designer:revert-template           Reverts the specified template.
  xf-designer:sync-templates            Syncs the contents of the template files to the DB for the specified designer mode, applying version number updates
  xf-designer:touch-template            Marks the specified template as modified in the specified style and exports it.
  xf-dev:class-lint                     Checks that all classes can be loaded without conflicts
  xf-dev:compare-schema                 Compares database schemas for consequential differences
  xf-dev:export                         Exports all data to development files
  xf-dev:export-admin-navigation        Exports Admin navigation to development files
  xf-dev:export-admin-permissions       Exports Admin permissions to development files
  xf-dev:export-advertising-positions   Exports advertising positions to development files
  xf-dev:export-bb-code-media-sites     Exports bb code media sites to development files
  xf-dev:export-bb-codes                Exports bb codes to development files
  xf-dev:export-class-extensions        Exports class extensions to development files
  xf-dev:export-code-event-listeners    Exports code event listeners to development files
  xf-dev:export-code-events             Exports code events to development files
  xf-dev:export-content-types           Exports content types to development files
  xf-dev:export-cron-entries            Exports cron entries to development files
  xf-dev:export-help-pages              Exports help pages to development files
  xf-dev:export-member-stats            Exports member stats to development files
  xf-dev:export-navigation              Exports Navigation to development files
  xf-dev:export-options                 Exports options to development files
  xf-dev:export-permissions             Exports Permissions to development files
  xf-dev:export-phrases                 Exports phrases to development files
  xf-dev:export-routes                  Exports Routes to development files
  xf-dev:export-style-properties        Exports style properties to development files
  xf-dev:export-template-modifications  Exports template modifications to development files
  xf-dev:export-templates               Exports templates to development files
  xf-dev:export-widget-definitions      Exports widget definitions to development files
  xf-dev:export-widget-positions        Exports widget positions to development files
  xf-dev:generate-entity-dw             Generates an entity from a legacy DataWriter
  xf-dev:generate-phpstorm-meta         Generates a .phpstorm.meta.php file for dynamic return type hinting
  xf-dev:generate-schema-entity         Generates schema code from an entity
  xf-dev:import                         Imports all data from development files
  xf-dev:import-admin-navigation        Imports admin navigation from development files
  xf-dev:import-admin-permissions       Imports admin permissions from development files
  xf-dev:import-advertising-positions   Imports advertising positions from development files
  xf-dev:import-bb-code-media-sites     Imports bb code media sites from development files
  xf-dev:import-bb-codes                Imports bb codes from development files
  xf-dev:import-class-extensions        Imports class extensions from development files
  xf-dev:import-code-event-listeners    Imports code event listeners from development files
  xf-dev:import-code-events             Imports code events from development files
  xf-dev:import-content-types           Imports content types from development files
  xf-dev:import-cron-entries            Imports cron entries from development files
  xf-dev:import-help-pages              Imports help pages from development files
  xf-dev:import-member-stats            Imports member stats from development files
  xf-dev:import-navigation              Imports navigation from development files
  xf-dev:import-options                 Imports options from development files
  xf-dev:import-permissions             Imports permissions from development files
  xf-dev:import-phrases                 Imports phrases from development files
  xf-dev:import-routes                  Imports routes from development files
  xf-dev:import-style-properties        Imports style properties from development files
  xf-dev:import-template-modifications  Imports template modifications from development files
  xf-dev:import-templates               Imports templates from development files
  xf-dev:import-widget-definitions      Imports widget definitions from development files
  xf-dev:import-widget-positions        Imports widget positions from development files
  xf-dev:metadata-clean                 Cleans up the metadata JSON files and removes missing entries
  xf-dev:rebuild-caches                 Rebuilds various caches
  xf-dev:rebuild-metadata               Rebuilds metadata hashes based on file system content
  xf-dev:recompile                      Recompiles all template/phrase data
  xf-dev:recompile-phrases              Recompiles phrases
  xf-dev:recompile-style-properties     Recompiles style properties
  xf-dev:recompile-templates            Recompiles parsed templates
  xf-dev:sync-templates                 Syncs the contents of the template files to the DB, applying version number updates
  xf-dev:update-version                 Updates the XF version to the same version as in the XF files.
  xf-dev:upgrade-step                   Runs a specific upgrade step from a specified upgrade class.
Commands are split into different namespaces so generally the ones prefixed with xf: are the ones which are targeted towards "normal" admins. The rest are somewhat specialist.
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