
  1. Mouth

    CLI search rebuild doesn't report error with incorrect parameter

    Re: Using --type=threads instead of --type=thread with php cmd.php xf-rebuild:search doesn't return an error/warning message. threads (plural) is assumed to...
  2. U

    XF 2.2 What makes an add-on upgradeable?

    Hello everyone, I recently took over the admin role for ~150 XenForo Instances. The company I work at, develops a few add-ons in-house and I was wondering how to upgrade them via CLI since my collegues apparently were only using the GUI which I really don't want to do on ~150 Forums. The...
  3. Earl

    Unmaintained [Earl] Board Active Cli 1.0.0a

    This add-on allows you to turn your board on and off with command line interface. So you can use this option to flip the "Board active" switch when you preparing to make a database backup and flip it back on when done. You can automate the whole backup process by making a shell script like...
  4. Mouth

    Lack of interest Cli Upgrade - Don't default anonymous usage statistics question

    When performing xF cli upgrade, after upgrade is complete you are prompted ... The question comes with a default response ( y or n, I cannot remember which it is, I believe y) As the upgrade can take considerable time going through its upgrade steps, if you press enter at anytime through the...
  5. Sim

    CLI Job / Cron Runner 2.1.1

    This XenForo 2.x addon implements an advanced CLI triggered job runner for use with Unix cron as a replacement for the built-in xf:run-jobs command introduced in XF 2.2 The command is called hg:run-jobs and does the same thing that xf:run-jobs does, but with more options and functionality...
  6. Sim

    Fixed Bug: Cron Job runner generates infinite loop in some circumstances

    While developing a new version of my CLI JobRunner with enhanced functionality beyond that provided by the core xf:run-jobs command, I kept coming across random periods where the code ran indefinitely until some other limit was reached, consuming large amounts of CPU while doing so. After...
  7. Sim

    Fixed xf:run-jobs may never stop

    The current logic for the xf:run-jobs command may in some circumstances see the task never stop - or at least run for longer than the server cron period. do { $jobManager->runQueue($manualOnly, $maxRunTime); // keep the memory limit down on long running...
  8. Mr. Jinx

    Lack of interest Add CLI maintenance option

    Would be a nice option to be able to put the forum in maintenance mode using CLI.
  9. DeltaHF

    XF 2.1 CLI returning errors, cannot connect to database

    When trying to run commands with cmd.php, I am receiving errors which seem to imply that it cannot connect to the database. Even a simple command like running a file check cannot be completed: $ php cmd.php xf:file-check An exception occurred: [XF\Db\Exception] No such file or directory in...
  10. developr

    As designed CLI addon-upgrade enable disabled addons

    Hi there, when I use php cmd.php xf:addon-upgrade XXX/YYY -n to a disabled addon it will enabled automatically after upgrade. I think this it not useful. I disable addons (not uninstall) to keep all data but I would like to upgrade it for security reasons. Bug or feature?
  11. pegasus

    Duplicate CLI Add-on Install Proceeds to Import after Exception

    The CLI variation of add-on:install does the following: Run the install method(s) of the add-on's setup class Run add-on:import Run add-on:post-install If the setup class's install method throws an exception, the exception is printed to the terminal as expected. However, the process is not...
  12. developr

    XF 2.0 XF2 Cli Import Error (

    Dear Community, while I import the users the import stops with the error message: [XF\Db\Exception] MySQL query error [1366]: Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x91\x89 [...' for column 'signature' at row 1 Does somebody know how I can find the specific entry in source database to correct the...
  13. developr

    XF 2.0 How to find Addon-ID for CLI-Update?

    Dear Community, I would like to use CLI (xf-addon:upgrade) for addon updates but where can I find the required addon-id?
  14. M

    XF 2.0 Issues changing database to utf8mb4

    I am trying to allow emojis on my forum. I have followed the instructions in the documentation for upgrading an existing installation ( This is what gets output when I run the command using SSH: $ php cmd.php xf:convert-utf8mb4 Content-type...
  15. Sim

    CLI Job Runner for XF 2.1 1.5.0

    This XenForo 2.x addon gives you the option to disable the browser triggered job runner and instead use a CLI triggered job runner for use with Unix cron. Requirements This addon requires PHP 7.0 or higher and has been tested on XenForo 2.1.10 This version is not compatible with XenForo v2.2...
  16. Cibox

    Lack of interest [XF2] Deactivate/Activate forum from the CLI for shell scripts and cronjobs

    I am missing an option to deactivate and activate my forum. Reason/Use-Case: I want to run shell scripts via cron for backups: At the beginning of a mysqldump I want to deactivate the forum and afterwards I will reactivate it. So I get in case of a necessary restore of the database a clean...
  17. Cibox

    XF 2.0 How to deactivate/activate my forum via CLI/cmd.php?

    I want to write a shellscript which does: deactivate my forum via CLI run a mysqldump reactivate it afterwards. Is there a cmp.php option available for activate/deactivate xenforo2 ? Thanks in advance Cibox
  18. duderuud

    Implemented Ability to optimize ES with cli

    With the cmd.php tool it's possible te rebuild the search index (thanks for that!). Rebuilt the index, triggered by the admin ES page which stated optimization was needed. But after reindexing was done, the GUI still reports that optimization is needed. How can I fix that (with the cli)? Maybe...
  19. MaGeFH

    Fixed Uninstalling Addon - Backend/CLI don't behave the same way

    I noticed that when uninstalling an AddOn the behavior of XF2 differs between Admin CP and CLI. When uninstalling via Backend, the class extensions seem to be valid until the very last step has passed. In CLI mode this is not the case and you will be given something like "The site is currently...
  20. eva2000

    XF 2.0 2.0.0 Beta 1 upgrade 2.0.0 Beta 2

    I see 2.0.0 beta 2 and official addons have been released. I know the old upload files and run upgrade via admin in browser works. But what's the exact steps to leverage the new SSH command line for upgrading both the XF core and official addons ? cheers George
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