XF 1.4 1.4 > 1.5 cant upgrade


Active member
I followed the guide . tryed few time woth 2 different ftp clients , and they went to cpanel and upload to server and unarchived . still no luck for update , plz help

It sounds like the perms on the files and folders are incorrect.
You may need to check and update them all.

In general, files and directories should be 0644 and 0755 respectively.

The /data and /internal_data directories should be 0777 (recursively).
The system is now trying to do a new installation rather than an upgrade.

Did you upload the full or upgrade .zip?

Check that avatars and attachments are still present in the /data and /internal_data directories.

Have you removed the /internal_data/install-lock.php file?
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