
  1. wedge1001

    Unmaintained [CZ] Modify Title Length 1.0.1

    This is a small Add-On wich will allow you some simple configuration of your thread-title length. I've limited the max. length to 200 Characters. The smallest max. value will be 25. In a future Version it's intended to extend this to the conversation-title and the poll-title. Install Upload...
  2. Z61

    Unmaintained Minimum Thread Title Length

    Allows administrators to set or disable a thread title length minimum requirement on a per-forum basis as seen below. If the user (of any rank) inputs a title less than the value given, an error will be shown.
  3. Amaury

    As designed Demoting a User Doesn't Remove Their Custom User Title

    Hypothetical Scenario: You have it set up so regular members can't set a custom user title and only have the default user title or user title ladder you set for them—for argument's sake, let's say the user title is Member. The only way for them to be able to use a custom user title is if they're...
  4. M

    XF 1.4 Pre-Written title via URL

    Hey guys, I planned a function to "report" users trouth my game-web-panel... I want to link a button to the forum called "Reported Users" and I want to pre-write the title like "MaxMusterMann" (example username). But how can I realize it? My idea was something like...
  5. FloV

    Add-on Extend posts with titles

    Hey everybody, i guess this one is a short and easy one (maybe @AndyB, as i love your Addons?). ;) I'm looking for a developer who could add a title field (text field) for posts. Of course the field should be optional. So if someone adds a title, it will be show above the post. Would be cool...
  6. N

    XF 1.5 Thread title in each post

    In vB there used to an option to display the thread titles in every post like: Re: Thread Title... Lorem ipsum dolor. Sit amet pellentesque. Urna ornare tempor. Taciti magna justo. Ante lacinia nec maecenas eget at neque at et. Ac aliquet dapibus nam nulla eleifend. Donec sagittis ultricies...
  7. N

    XF 1.5 Using CSS, how to trim Thread Title after a certain length with "..."

    Say after like 35 characters, the title display is replaced by ... at the end of the title. How? I guess, this css needs some modifications... .discussionListItem .title { font-size: 10.5pt; word-wrap: break-word; } i tried putting this in above CSS but it did not work...
  8. J

    [Paid] Restricted permissions by title

    Hi! We're a community from Spain and we want to provide to our users a funcionality which is very popular in spanish forums. Let me explain what it is: Restricting permissions depending on the thread title.If the title has a particular Word (usually preceded by a +) permissions apply: If the...
  9. Savage_Titan117

    Lack of interest Receive Notifications Of Threads With Keywords In Title

    Originally put this on Hypixel's forums, but since it would be a xenForo feature I figure it'd be better here. Title pretty much explains it but I'll go a little more in depth. I receive an email every time a new thread is posted in the community help forum in case I'm not actually on the...
  10. Dadparvar

    XF 1.5 How to auto tag threads based on their title

    Hi, Is there any way (Add-on, query or ...) to add tags to all threads automatically based on the titles? Regards, Hamed
  11. istanbulzoom

    XF 1.5 How to change the title font of specific categories

    Hello everyone. I searched this on the web but can't find a clear solution. I want to change one of my categories' font to a webfont. My webfont ready but I don't know which class I should use for categories. Can anyone help me in this case?
  12. H

    Unmaintained Mass Replacement of Thread Title

    This tips requires SQL query execution. So for safety reason, you are advised to backup your database before doing this. To remove some words from thread titles, and the threads are within certain nodes, you can run this SQL query from phpmyadmin : Example : Replace "viagra" into "medicine"...
  13. Robru

    XF 1.5 Convert URLs to Page Titles

    On my forum, the external links will be converted properly, but not the internal. How can it get ?
  14. tr1age

    Unmaintained XenPorta 2 Recent Thread Widget Rich Usernames and READ/UNREAD color. 2015-08-21

    So if you would like to have The Xenporta 2 Recent Thread Sidebar Block to have Read and Unread titles a different color, as well as rich usernames, here is the code you need. Find EWRwidget_Threads And find the following: <xen:foreach loop="$wUncached" value="$thread"> <li...
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