
  1. Stylesfactory

    Frequently Asked Questions Plugin 1.0.3

    Features: Add questions Add categories Rich text editor for questions Questions can be set in categories Default toggle option for questions and answers DEMO: here
  2. SyTry

    XF 2.0 Problem to display value with my widget

    Hello, I make an add-on and I have a widget with most followers (top 5) but it won't work : I use this in my template : <xf:foreach loop="$users" value="$users"> {$user.sc_most_followers|number} </xf:foreach> This in my XF\Widget : public function render() { $finder =...
  3. SyTry

    XF 2.0 Update SQL column with Listener.php

    Hello, I'm trying to make an add-on to add a member statistic to the notable members page : Here is the code I got with the help of @nocte in my Listener.php : public static function...
  4. SyTry

    XF 2.0 How to update my member statistics

    Hello ! I want to do an add-on to add a member statistic to the notable members page. I know very little about PHP so I use XenForo files to help me. In my Listener.php I have this : <?php namespace SyTryC\MostFollowersMember; class Listener { public static function...
  5. SyTry

    XF 2.0 How to use display_style_priority in XF2

    Hello, In XF1.5 I made a page to display the staff. I use display_style_priority to display member in ASC/DESC : public function getStaffDetails() { return $this->_getDb()->fetchAll(" SELECT * FROM `xf_user` INNER JOIN `xf_user_group` ON `xf_user_group`.`user_group_id` =...
  6. SyTry

    XF 2.0 How can I create a new add-on with xenForo 2.0

    Hi, I read the following documentation : And on this part : I do not know how to start. Where is the command prompt / shell / terminal window in xenForo 2 ? Thank you for your future answers even...
  7. CMTV

    Unmaintained Question Threads 2.1.2

    Since Xenforo 2.2 there is an internal question-solution system. You don't need this addon if you are using 2.2 or above. Use "Question Threads Converter" addon to convert addon data to XF. Description This addon allows users to create questions, mark them solved/unsolved and select best...
  8. L

    Questions about this software

    Hello, we are very interested in your project. I hope you respect our professional approach, we are currently working on a custom solution using Laravel & we are very very happy with their framework, however, our colleges have found this project and a request to review has started. Please...
  9. Lusorworker

    What to do if i am only administrator for forum but not owner and need help?

    Hello, i have question. I am administrator on purchased forum licence, but i am not owner. I am not experienced in HTML, CSS etc for make WWW pages and buletins. Then i try learn how handle with xenForo. It is prety advanced, but have very lack and bad maked manual and helps for beginer people...
  10. Apodictive

    A few Pre-Purchase Questions

    Hi xenForo community. I will be building my first xenForo forum and I have a few pre-purchase questions that I would like to see if I can get some answers for. I searched here and on Google for the answers to most of my questions but there are a couple I either couldn't find exactly what I am...
  11. T

    ✔ I want to buy Xenforo - ✘ But I have some questions.

    Hello everybody, I am new to Xenforo and globally to using websites. I got really confused when I wanted to purchase Xenforo so that's why I made this theard. My questions: 1. What is 'XenForo License', I don't understand what is it? Do I need to purchase another hosting for my site either? Or...
  12. dvsDave

    XF 1.5 internal_data/sitemaps was over 650 files

    So, I got a disk space warning on my server and started looking into what folders were the biggest offenders. To my surprise, the sitemaps folder was HUGE (like 22 gigs) There were a bunch of .gz files that were old, so I deleted those. I then wiped out the whole folder and went to...
  13. N

    "Questions" functionality

    I am reviewing various forum solutions for a software vendor user group. We have a very active user base that currently is using a 10+ year old version of phpBB. Some of our key requirements revolve question functionality. Specifically... The ability to create a post as a support question. The...
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