XF 2.0 Update SQL column with Listener.php


Well-known member

I'm trying to make an add-on to add a member statistic to the notable members page :
Here is the code I got with the help of @nocte in my Listener.php :
    public static function decreaseFollowersCount($entity)
        $finder = \XF::finder('XF:User')
            ->where('user_id', $entity->follow_user_id);

        $user = $finder->fetchOne();

        if ($user)
            $user->fastUpdate('sc_user_follow', $finder->columnSqlName('sc_user_follow') . "- 1");

    public static function increaseFollowersCount($entity)
        $finder = \XF::finder('XF:User')
            ->where('user_id', $entity->follow_user_id);

        $user = $finder->fetchOne();

        if ($user)
            $user->fastUpdate('sc_user_follow', $finder->columnSqlName('sc_user_follow') . "+ 1");

My code_event_listener :
  • entity_post_save : increaseFollowersCount
  • entity_post_delete : decreaseFollowersCount
  • Event hint : XF\Entity\UserFollow
The problem is that the function increaseFollowersCount is not working but decreaseFollowersCount is working fine.. Really weird ! :unsure:

If someone can help me or give me some directions, thank you ! ;)

Regards, SyTry
You can try a raw sql query:
public static function increaseFollowersCount($entity)
    \XF::db()->query('UPDATE xf_user SET sc_user_follow = sc_user_follow + 1 WHERE user_id = ?', $entity->follow_user_id);
does this work?
o.k. then let's try this one, so we can narrow down where the bug is.

    public static function increaseFollowersCount($entity)
        $finder = \XF::finder('XF:User')
            ->where('user_id', $entity->follow_user_id);

        $user = $finder->fetchOne();

        if ($user)
            \XF::db()->query('UPDATE xf_user SET sc_user_follow = sc_user_follow + 1 WHERE user_id = ?', $user->user_id);

But you say it's not recommended in most cases :unsure:
well, if it is not necessary, you should not use raw sql (because a little typo can cause a security risk). But in this case I assume there's no security issue :D
o.k. then let's try this one, so we can narrow down where the bug is.

    public static function increaseFollowersCount($entity)
        $finder = \XF::finder('XF:User')
            ->where('user_id', $entity->follow_user_id);

        $user = $finder->fetchOne();

        if ($user)
            \XF::db()->query('UPDATE xf_user SET sc_user_follow = sc_user_follow + 1 WHERE user_id = ?', $user->user_id);

well, if it is not necessary, you should not use raw sql (because a little typo can cause a security risk). But in this case I assume there's no security issue :D

Sorry for my late response, it's working now ! :)
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