
  1. Aurèle

    Registering confirmation message in wrong langage

    Hello, I'm having a problem on my forum which is in another langage than English. When I register, I see the "thanks_for_registering_to_complete_registration_follow_link" phrase in english and not in my langage. Right after, if I visit the forum, everything is in my langage so the langage...
  2. Jake B.

    Beta Search & Replace in Phrases 1.0.0

    NOTE: It is very easy for something to go wrong while using this add-on, so it is very highly recommended that you do not run it on a live site, but do it on a development board then export the language. It is also not recommended to use this on very common words as it will likely time out...
  3. erich37

    Duplicate change wording for "Download Not Available"

    the current wording "Download Not Available" is kinda misleading since the Resource is actually available..... the "guest" just needs to register at the Forum in order to download the Resource. So in fact the Resource is indeed "available". Currently: Suggestion: :) Rules for...
  4. Amaury

    Not a bug Typo in the "option_addBanUserGroup_explain" Phrase

    When a user is banned, they can be added to a specific user group while the ban is active. This allows overrides to their user group styling, for example. Ignore this...
  5. Jon W

    Fixed Inconsistent use of commas and semicolons in field_display_html_description phrase

    In the phrase field_display_html_description, semi-colons are used to separate the first two placeholders, and commas are used for the rest.
  6. Jon W

    Not a bug Inconsistent use of <b>, <strong> and no formatting for placeholders

    The following phrase uses <strong> to emphasise the placeholders (which looks best in my opinion): include_url_token The following phrase uses <b> (which has slightly different formatting): field_display_html_description The following phrases us no formatting...
  7. Amaury

    Lack of interest Details of Warning Phrase

    This isn't exactly a bug per se, but I'm reporting it more for aesthetic and (sort of) consistency reasons. While it makes sense grammatically, it just sounds a bit weird to me. Warning Details sounds better and is consistent with Warning Points. The phrase is details_of_warning. Although...
  8. Romchik®

    As designed Phrase overhead: you_must_enable_two_step_to_continue

    Not really bug, but not optimal. Phrase you_must_enable_two_step_to_continue using same text from two_step_verification_desc. you_must_enable_two_step_to_continue two_step_verification_desc
  9. Romchik®

    Fixed Small typo in option_urlToPageTitle_explain

    Phrase option_urlToPageTitle_explain. ... Use the textbox below to specify a format. ... But field is above :)
  10. erich37

    Implemented wording when no tags available: "Add Tags"

    when there are no "tags" available, the wording should be: "Add Tags" - there is no need for the word "None". - change the wording from "Edit" towards "Add Tags"
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