As designed Phrase overhead: you_must_enable_two_step_to_continue


Well-known member
Not really bug, but not optimal.

Phrase you_must_enable_two_step_to_continue using same text from two_step_verification_desc.

You must enable <a href="{link}">two-step verification</a> to continue.<br />
<br />
Two-step verification increases the security of your account by requiring you to provide an additional code to complete the login process. If your password is ever compromised, this verification will help prevent unauthorized access to your account.
Two-step verification increases the security of your account by requiring you to provide an additional code to complete the login process. If your password is ever compromised, this verification will help prevent unauthorized access to your account.
I this case, I think it's reasonable. They are used in different contexts so there's a reasonable chance that they evolve to have somewhat different content.
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