Add icons to the More options menu and make it transparent and faster to act:
Add this to your extra.less template (for XenForo 2.3):
/* [cXF] Icons in More options menu */
.menu--right .menu-content {
&:before {
padding-right: 5px;
The older <i> method does not work. I've tried using the <xf:fa> and that doesn't work either. For example, this produces nothing:
<xf:fa icon="fas fa-yin-yang"></xf:fa>
The above is used in a custom BB code:
<xf:fa icon="fas fa-{text}" />
Hey y'all,
I have a template where each icon is basically a macro, for instance:
<xf:macro name="paper">
<xf:fa icon="fa-solid fa-newspaper" />
Now, in the case of this icon, when I changed "fa-solid" to "fas", the icon loads - but for some reason it's less of a square like...
Iconify ( is an open-source icon framework created by @Arty that allows the use of 100+ icon sets allowing for the mixing and matching of icons from different sets.
This would help with the issue if XF being stuck on FontAwesome5, as well as give much more control to...
Basic Informations :
Addon name : [ConceptNGo] FontAwesome User Icon
Version : 1.0.0
XF version : 2.0 and futher
Presentation :
This addon allow to you add an FontAwesome icon on front of username, this icon is personnalizable inside settings of user groups.
You don't need to install...
This add-on will no longer be maintained as a better solution for reducing your FontAwesome file sizes has been published by @Kirby here. I would strongly suggest using his add-on instead.
The default XenForo 2.1 theme...
Auto completer for FontAwesome icons (free).
Use prefix: %
You just need to add to the attribute data-xf-init fontawesome-completer
Work on public and admin side :)
FontAwesome icons are automatically fetch from official github repo.
Here is the final result:
To do this, go to the Panel Admin, and go to the extra.less template.
You will add this code:
.username--style3:before { // Change the number 3 by the number of the user group you want.
font-family: "FontAwesome";
content: "\f132"; // Change the...
Want assign some icons to forums at list, but can't found option for do it? Easy for use addon for set custom Fontawesome icon to your forum nodes help you!
Technical description:
Extend node class for save icon name. Modify Node Edit page for define Fontawesome icon for target...
This is a question, but feel free to move it to suggestions if it's more appropriate there.
I'm a typographical purist, when possible, so it's always slightly annoying to me to see text set in an attractive, proportional typeface but that uses the standard, straight "typewriter" symbols for...
There is no support for this product. We recommend testing first and backing up your install before moving to a production environment. Emergency support is not guaranteed if it is put on production. If you are in need of support, please contact us here. Support may be billable but we’ll be...