Font Awesome 5 Kickstarter Announced


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No kickstarter page yet, pro version to include access to some kind of SVG framework, which sounds interesting.
Looks like another commercial project from same author. Nothing to see.

I'm sure it will be popular, but its rather pointless. Web fonts are inferior in every way to SVG images, except for ease of integration. There are thousands of free SVG icons available: icon8, material design icons, entypo+, prestashop icons, elusive icons, icomoon, etc...

There is no need to pay for icons. What is needed is easier way to integrate SVG icons into HTML and CSS, so web fonts would become obsolete.
Font Awesome 5 will still be free and open source but you can license Font Awesome Pro for $40 ($20 during the Kickstarter campaign... when it launches :cautious:) to get more icons and apparently a framework to use SVG icons instead. That ticks the easy integration box, but I appreciate not everyone will want to pay for that.

That said, I am more than happy to pay for a Pro license just as a sign of support and appreciation because regardless of anything, what they have so far provided for completely free (and will continue to do so) is well deserving.
I already supported them for BlackTie ages ago, which I never got around to finding anything I could use it with, feels like a massive waste at 5 times the cost of this.

The interesting part about this one is will that SVG framework be compatible and cost effective to integrate into commercial products like XF though, so that site owners themselves can also utilise them. That's the $1M $20 question.
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No kickstarter page yet, pro version to include access to some kind of SVG framework, which sounds interesting.
The video can not be played embedded and must be viewed at youtube directly.

If any of you are still in contact with Dave Gandy please tell him that is very annoying. I'll check FA5 out when I can watch that video from this thread as I intended to so I could comment on what I see.
The video is unlisted. I'm not entirely sure it's meant to be in the public domain yet. The Kickstarter campaign isn't even live yet. There's also not much to check out, it's just a funny promo.

Will XF 2.0 use fontawesome 5?
Unlikely. I wouldn't really expect to see FA5 released for maybe 6 to 8 months, minimum. But if it does come out sooner, and it is good, and it isn't drastically different to implement then it could be considered. If it's a more substantial change then it might be more appropriate for XF 2.1. Though, realistically, if it's a really drastic departure, it might not be something we would consider at all in 2.X.
If any of you are still in contact with Dave Gandy please tell him that is very annoying. I'll check FA5 out when I can watch that video from this thread as I intended to so I could comment on what I see.

You couldn't just click on the video title to watch it on youtube? :confused:

I came across it on Reddit, it's my understanding it was tweeted to try and drum up some hype before they launch the actual kickstarter. A little odd, but I guess there's some kind of kickstarter success theory behind it. Evidently not working too well here.
You couldn't just click on the video title to watch it on youtube? :confused:
Nope, I only go to the actual youtube site when I am browsing or searching something otherwise I risk getting sidetracked and wasting time (think channel surfing to kill 10 minutes and ending up logging an hour or two on the sofa, that premise) when the reality was I had a few minutes to read and possibly respond to some posts here at xf before I had to leave and meet some people for dinner.

When it is embedded I can view it here and I am not risking getting sidetracked at a site that I probably spent too much time on at some point in my life when all I wanted to do was see it in action to see if anything was different but according to Chris it is only a promo without much substance so it looks like I made the right choice and that our back and forth was more entertaining and enlightening for me that the video would have been :).

Hope that clears up your confusion.

I came across it on Reddit, it's my understanding it was tweeted to try and drum up some hype before they launch the actual kickstarter. A little odd, but I guess there's some kind of kickstarter success theory behind it. Evidently not working too well here.

I did donate last time (though I don't use FA) but not enough for any sponsorship/funding gifts which is fine because I chose to donate to the fund justifying my expenditure as: a developer was trying to get paid for his efforts on what is mostly a free product and as a person who does way more for free than does for money I can identify with the value of being compensated for effort expended be it honor or cash money so I threw a few bits in his bucket.

I would not say that it is not working well, and yes there is merit to the "you can't have it /yet" tactic but that is the problem with tactics in marketing, they are broad and general (and the same in most markets) and don't apply to everyone equally. Couple that with the short age of this thread and you get my opinion in a minimum pool of other responses which makes the overall view seem polarized when I am sure that it actually is not.

I'm sure he will do just fine with this campaign judging by what he raised last time.
Just earned like $8000 in the past 10 minutes exceeding the goal :D.

Stretch goals = additional packs.
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Threw in $20. It's not much but I've used Font Awesome on almost every standalone project I've made and it's served me well every single time. Wish them the best with FA5.
I'm sure he will do just fine with this campaign judging by what he raised last time.

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