Unmaintained XenAPI - XenForo PHP REST API 1.4.2

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Do note that some of the actions are still not documented.

You can now:

Other fixes/stuff:

You can view this release on GitHub.

Feel free to ask any questions, I'll try my best to answer them.

Issues and feature requests can be posted on the GitHub page.

Happy Holidays!
Do note that some of the actions are still not documented.

You can now:
Some other minor fixes:
Feel free to ask any questions, I'll try my best to answer them.

Issues and feature requests can be posted on the GitHub page
Added two new actions that were missing in the 1.3 update:
  • getNode, allows to grab a specific node and get the information about the specific node.
  • getNodes, allows to grab a list of nodes, it's also possible to grab specific node type (category, link forum, forum and page).
Another small update:
Feel free to follow the progress of XenAPI on Github.
Here's a small update:

This update allows me to do quicker updates in the future as I've done my best to make it easy to add new actions.

Feel free to review and make requests, you can see the code over at GitHub.
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