UI.X 2

UI.X 2

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UI.X 2 Change Log

Note: The UI.X add-on does not need to be updated in this new release.
  1. Fixed 'x's not being seen when deleting tags
  2. Added Visitor Tabs Bar (mobile) as a style property
  3. Improved email template coloring on buttons and links
  4. Fixed code editor text from being able to be read
  5. Replaced logo height with logo width due to logo not changing widths dynamically
  6. Fixed overflow issue with the node gutter style property
  7. Changed contentAccentBg
  8. Added conversations and notifications to the user drop-down menu
  9. Disabled condense visitor tabs by default
  10. Moved page background style property to HTML instead of body
  11. Fixed node last post for level two categories
  12. Fixed the issue with block last item margin-bottom alignment
UI.X 2 Change Log
  1. Made changes to the FAB Quick Reply to go to the new page
  2. Fixed FAB scroll up from not working
  3. Fixed the logo small sub-routes
  4. Fixed the issue with search allowing it to have a position relative in the logoblock
  5. Fixed the icon on the view results on the poll
  6. Fixed sticky footer issues
  7. Condense Visitor Tabs are enabled by default for mobile devices
  8. Fixed the issue with the welcome section's page width
  9. Fixed the issue with long thread titles or posts
  10. Fixed the issue when enabling "category strip icons" which centers the category name
  11. Fixed the issue with the disabled button text color
Note: This update does require a UI.X add-on update to function properly. You can download the latest version here.
UI.X 2 Change Log
  1. Fixed search resize behavior and Internet Explorer 11 issues
  2. Fixed the issue where navigation menu's split triggers are taller than the nav-link
  3. Fixed modal position in sidebar when it is sticky
  4. Fixed node unread image icon
  5. Improvements to search icon
  6. Fixed login modal margin issue based on registration options
  7. Fixed margin bottom issue of .block when not inside of .blocks
  8. Fixed the welcome section register button
  9. Added href to admin drop down triggers
  10. Fixed the alignment bug with sticky sidebar on fixed/wrapped page styles
  11. Made prefixes for property groups and style properties
  12. Fixed icon on Google's log-on button
  13. Added minimum view port width to show logo block 100% support
  14. Fixed editor primary button hover from being readable
  15. Fixed editor active buttons from being invisible
  16. Fixed the member card pop up more trigger from being misaligned
  17. Fixed page action button styling when $headerhtml is used
  18. Fixed node styling
  19. Fixed welcome section button href
  20. Fixed issue with search drop down sometimes overlapping input
  21. Reduced FOUC with section links hiding and a few other things on load
  22. Fix for section links sometimes appearing when empty if logo block was disabled
Note: This update does require a UI.X add-on update to function properly. You can download the latest version here.
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Reactions: Floyd R Turbo
UI.X 2 Change Log
  1. Fixed the ability to advance search from the desktop search input
  2. Minimal search improvements
  3. Removed the sticky nav logo if the logo is above the breakpoint block
  4. Fixed the sidebar on mobile devices when using Internet Explorer
  5. Fixed post overflow when using Internet Explorer on mobile device
  6. Fixed the highlight/selected background text on Firefox
  7. Fixed sticky header rows for Internet Explorer
  8. Fixed node icons for Internet Explorer
  9. Fixed the issue that caused avatar shape rounding to not work when an avatar is set
  10. Fixed IE 11's javascript issue
  11. Added the option 100% to be accepted in "Viewport width to center logo block"
  12. Updated the width of search when using it on mobile devices
  13. Fixed ripple button issues when scrolling
  14. Improvements made to selected/highlighted text
  15. Relocated force cover based settings to the Footer style settings
  16. Relocated "Viewport width to center the logo block" to Header and Navigation style settings
  17. Style improvements to delected post micros
  18. Removed section links borderwhen their sticky based
  19. Fixed the issue when clicking on the x on search it wouldn't unfocus
  20. Fixed selected/highlighted text styling in the editor from being overwritten
  21. Fixed the issue with the "X" on android keyboard users who use Google Chrome
  22. Fixed styling on [TH] Holidays add-on
Note: This update does require a UI.X add-on update to function properly. You can download the latest version here.
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