[TAC] Stop Country Spam

[TAC] Stop Country Spam 3.1.5

No permission to buy ($19.00)
also, a fix for Facebook registration
If the 3rd party site is down, or the API is misconfigured (usually resulting in an exception), the plugin is now bypasses and the users can register as normal
  • While I'm looking at it, I've also added a weekly cron entry to clear the logs down to no more than 3 months
Support for IPv6 and XF 1.3 (should still be compatible with XF1.2)
  • Made sure this version is in the Tac folder (I'm not sure how it got left out)
Release 18/05/2012
Change Log:

  • Added validation to turn this off when admins do not add the json request url
Release 17/05/2012
Change Log:
  • Fix related to the update functionality (AND addon_id = \'StopCountrySpam\')
  • If users do not set this up, it will now be inactive until they set it up
  • I've noticed if all the tac plugins are installed at the same time, the API auto update for StopBotters goes wrong, this is fixed
  • Now makes use of StopProxies to catch more bots and users that use known Anonymous proxies
  • Proxy Detection (both transparent and some Anonym /High Anonym)
  • Logs improved (so you can see from 1st sight when a user is blocked via FaceBook/registration form actionIndex/direct bot actionRegister mechanism)
  • Modified Zip arrangement to work with Chris Deemings Plugin Installer
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