[TAC] Fool Bot Honey Pot

[TAC] Fool Bot Honey Pot 3.0.32

No permission to buy ($29.00)

Reviews 5.00 star(s) 28 reviews

Very pleased - tested on Internet Explorer, Edge, Firefox & Chrome. All working perfectly and haven't had a single bot in weeks!
I'm SOOOO pleased this has been updated and development is back on the cards again. 100% the most critical addon for my site.
Thanks for the new Update tenants to support the newer version of xenForo.

Keep up the great work and once again Thank You!
Prior to 1.4 this was an essential plugin. Most of us would like to see its functionality continue to live on. But it remains some of the best money I have spent in regards to Xenforo. I needed nothing but this plugin and the core features to keep spammers at bay.
The work now continues, since xrumer have started to target the cores type of honeypots. Updated for xf1.4 and xf1.5
Thank you so much, tenants! Really very useful plagin! Must have!
Kudos on the active development and staying one step ahead of the bots.
Thanks again for keeping this updated. This saves a lot of time for our moderator team.
I seriously can't live without this addon.
Great add-on. Thanks, tenants.
Don't want spam with that? Then this is THE utility to stop the bots at the front door. Author provides great support and is very responsive to feedback. You can't go wrong (but I'd suggest getting the full package of all his utilities).
Awesome Plugin! Haven't had a problem since I've bought it (Months ago).
Superb support on the most useful add-on going for XF!
You can't get better support than this. Thanks
My site was targeted by spam bots a few days ago. I received about a 100 spam registrations in few hours which was something I have never seen in 7 years as forum admin. Some really awesome friends here recommended that I install this add-on and I did. Now it's been about 2 days and not one spam registration made it through. Seriously this is the best xenforo add-on investment I ever made. I highly recommend it. Great customer service too!
Simply one of the best Xenforo add-ons. If you have a popular forum this is an absolutely necessary add-on.
Been running this for about three months now. I've never had a spammer on my forum and I don't use CAPTCHA, so I got curious and checked the logs.

My forum is private. There are five legitimate user registrations total. The rest were created manually through the admin interface.

There are 1,600 entries in the FoolBot log. All blocked registrations detected from spam bots. This addon is the real deal and the best spam protection I've ever seen on any web app. If you're using the free version, seriously considering buying this to support the dev.
Fantastic add-on. Completely stopped bot registrations on my forum. Great support from the dev as well.
Does what it says on the tin ;)
Very nice tool to stop spam
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