s9e Media Sites

s9e Media Sites 2.16.0

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Updated Vevo
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Reactions: Gonanda
Added support for using static images URLs to embed Imgur. This makes it impossible to post images as links but it makes the add-on behave more similarly to a default install.
The following sites have been updated: BBC News, CBS News, Getty Images, Gfycat, Gifs.com, Google Plus, Internet Archive, Vimeo and YouTube.
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Reactions: Gonanda
The add-on's code has been slightly simplified. There should not be any functional difference from 1.0.0.
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Reactions: Gonanda and Jordyn
The is the official 1.0.0 release. It is almost identical to the previous release candidate. The only visible difference should be in the height of the list of supported sites displayed in XenForo's editor.
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Reactions: mcatze and Gonanda
This is the first release candidate, expected to be the first stable version of this add-on. The add-on is in good enough shape to be used as it is and I do not expect major issues.

Please report any bug in the discussion thread.
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Reactions: Gonanda
Added support for XFMG albums.
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