s9e Media Sites

s9e Media Sites 2.16.0

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Reviews 5.00 star(s) 45 reviews

Best plugin if you link to a lot of third party sites that offer embed codes! Developer is also very helpful with queries and feature requests.
Looked if this was avaliable for 2.x when I made the upgrade. Glad this was ported over the 2.x branch. Thank you.
One of those add-ons that should, undoubtedly, be in the core. Every XF install should have this. Very simply, it just works.
This couldn't better. I agree that this should absolutely be a core feature. Well done. (BTW - I would have paid for this resource!)
Would not have moved to XF2 without this. It’s a must have addon. Could not be more pleased with it.
  • Deleted member
  • 5.00 star(s)
  • Version: 1.0.8
You just can't ask more from this plugin.
It's free and you get to embed a lot of sites and it's updated on a constant basis.
Awesome add-on. There is no reason to not install this on your board! Thanks for keeping this invaluable add-on available for free!
Really wonderfull addon. I use it a lot, can't live without it... I mainly use it for baseball videos but with the sites I use the addon the most, the addon works like a charm...
Such a nice QoL addon that really should have been included in the default core of xenforo. Thank's a bunch for making this nice addon @JoshyPHP
With 117 media sites and counting this free add-on from JoshyPHP that constantly gets updated deserves 10 stars without a doubt!
Really makes media embedding in posts, pop. Users really like the experience of being able to just post a link to almost any media, and it embeds when they submit their posts. The "Lazy Loading" feature is great too. Very nice add-on.
A must have for all XF sites. This is one of three 3rd Party AddOns we felt were worthy of adding to our sie.
A gem of a mod. Working very well and has been for many versions. This is a well coded and well supported modification, you won't find better.
Essential Xenforo 2 add-on. This was a must for my 1.x forum and continues to be highly useful in the 2.1 world. Thanks for this!
I think this is hands down the best free addon available in the community. There are also other great free addons, but they might be not for everyone. But embedding media is essential to any forum, so anyone can profit from this addon objectively speaking as it covers a lot of sites. Thank you.
Amazing work! I just updated to XF2.1 from 1.5 and everything worked perfectly when I uploaded the updated addon! Excellent work!
Great! Thank you. I will be sending a donation for JoshyPHP! This was jsut in time!! So very appreciated.
Thanks a lot for your support! The add-on is free to use so it means all the more. 👍
Fantastic Addon and even more fantastic support from a responsive author. Worked constantly to fixed the domain-level privacy issues with Vimeo on mobile.
Coming from phpbb where I used this addon for years. Was afraid I wouldn't be able to get it to work on Xenforo. So happy s9e is here.
I have used this on phpbb without any hiccups. Only xenforo, it's even faster!. Love it and keep up the great work man!.

And it's even free when could have easily charged for it.
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