Pick'em - Fantasy Sports Prediction game

Pick'em - Fantasy Sports Prediction game 1.5.3

No permission to buy ($45.00)
Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
  4. 1.5
Updates duration
12 months. Renewable at a cost of $25 per 12 months
Visible branding
Pick'em is a Fantasy Sports prediction game. Whether against the spread or straight up, you are tasked with picking the outcome of every game in a given week for an entire season.

NOTE: The XF2 version of Pick'em is available at XenAddons.com

Key Features
  • User Permissions – Decide which users or user groups can use Pick'em, join pools, post comments etc.
  • Pool Permissions - Decide which user groups can join each pool
  • Unlimited Pools
  • Unlimited Sports (team vs team sports that have a weekly schedule)
  • Unlimited Teams
  • Unlimited Seasons
  • Multiple Pool Types - Currently supports Normal, Spread and Draw
  • Alerts to remind players to make their picks
  • Enhanced Comments System
  • Set a style per Pool
  • 9 User Criteria that can be used for Trophies/Promotions
  • Phrased for Translations
  • [bd] Widget Framework Integration
Reminders: Reminders are sent to users via the xf Alerts System when they have not yet made their picks for a given week. The first reminder is sent out at 48 hours. A 2nd reminder is sent out at 24 hours. This is a MINI version of what will be included with 1.1.0. The Full version includes email reminders as well as the ability to opt out.

Pick Distribution: This single module lists all games/matches for the given week with a percentage of picks placed on those teams. Draw pools adds an extra "draw" column to each match.

[bd] Widget Framework: Fully integrated with the Widget Framework. Currently includes 2 Widgets (Renderer's) (Pick Distribution and Tabbed Leaderboard).
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First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 7 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. 1.5.3 Maintenance Release

    Maintenance Release 1.5.3 Stable Misc Minor Bug Fixes (all reported bugs fixed) Minor Code...
  2. 1.5.0 Stable

    Declared stable for support purposes. Misc minor bug fixes (all reported bugs fixed) Minor...
  3. 1.4.1 Maintenance Release

    Maintenance Release 1.4.1 Stable Misc Minor Bug Fixes (all reported bugs fixed) Minor Code...

Latest reviews

If you have a need for any type of tipping competition at your site, this is a must have. Bobs addons are fantastic feature wise and you can trust it will have quality code. A pleasure to use any addon by Bob.
Great application with great support! This addon is pretty amazing. Once the initial set up is done, it is pretty easily maintained. Excellent job Bob!
NFL 2014!!!! this mod / app is Awesome thanks Bob my site really like this.
Glad you are pumping these updates out before the season starts. Great work Bob.
Love this addon. Works perfect with our College Football forum.
Amazing modification, easy to install!
Always awesome.
Yet another flawless add-on from Bobster. I used this in various BETA stages throughout the season last year, and with each release it got just a bit smoother. Dev listens to customers, and applies input in a thought out manner. Excellent addition.
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