[HA] News Ticker

Unmaintained [HA] News Ticker 1.3.1

No permission to buy ($39.99)
Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.3
  2. 1.4
  3. 1.5
Updates duration
LifeTime (Read FAQ)
Visible branding
BUYER BEWARE!!! This addon is unmaintained, no support is offered with this any longer.














With this add-on, you can have a news ticker in your site. Just put the RSS link you want in its option's field. and it will do rest of the things. If you want to customize it more, then you can use its options and style properties and permissions to do so.

General Features:
  • Fully Responsive
  • Support both LTR and RTL
  • Style Properties for all parts (so that you make your own appearance for each ticker to fit your style)
  • Documentation where needed
  • Tabbed Options (so you can easily manage each ticker in its own tab all in one option page)
  • Dedicated page (your-site.com/newsticker)
  • Navigation Tab
  • Be able to disable in Mobile
  • Ability to activate multiple tickers
  • Ability to activate each ticker anywhere you want (in defined positions)
  • Custom News (You are not limited to RSS. You can add your own text too)
  • Different Positions
    • No Where
    • Dedicated Page
    • Forum List Above Nodes
    • Forum List Below Nodes
    • Above Sidebar
    • Below Sidebar
    • Above Breadcrumb
    • Below Breadcrumb
    • Above Footer
    • Below Footer
    • Above Header
    • Below Header
    • (More will be added upon request and having time to do)
  • Renderer for all tickers for Widget Framework
  • Permissions
    • Can See News Ticker?
    • Can See JQuery News Ticker
    • Can See T-Marquee
    • Can See Breaking News Ticker
    • Can See Latest News
    • Can See Swift Ticker - RSS
    • Can See Swift Ticker - Socials
    • Can See Swift Ticker - Custom News
    • Can See News Ticker Tab
    • Can See News Ticker Dedicated Page
    • (More will be added when new features be added)
  • Eight different Ticker designs
    • Ticker Me
    • Jquery News Ticker
    • T-Marquee
    • Breaking News Ticker
    • Latest News
    • Swift Ticker - RSS
    • Swift Ticker - Socials
    • Swift Ticker - Custom News
Ticker Me Features:
  • Duration
  • Fade Speed
  • Auto Stop?
  • Type
  • Character limit
  • News Count
  • Custom News Field
  • RSS Field
  • Renderer for Widget Framework
JQuery News Ticker Features:
  • Ticker Direction
  • Display Type
  • Ticker's Title
  • Controls?
  • Pause On News
  • Fade In Speed
  • Fade Out Speed
  • Speed of Reveal
  • HTML Feed
  • Feed Type
  • Ajax Feed
  • Character limit
  • News Count
  • News Date
  • Debug Mode?
  • Custom News Field
  • RSS Field
  • Feed URL - Same Domain
  • Renderer for Widget Framework
T-Marquee Features:
  • Direction
  • Delay
  • Duplicated
  • Duration
  • Gap
  • Pause On Sycle
  • Pause On Hover
  • Start Visibility
  • Character limit
  • News Count
  • Show Date
  • Custom News Field
  • RSS Field
  • Renderer for Widget Framework
Breaking News Ticker Features:
  • Effect
  • SSL or any special security process
  • Auto Play
  • Timer
  • Color (11 ready to use + custom)
  • Feed Count
  • Ticker's Main Title Link
  • Ticker's Main Title
  • Font Style
  • Border
  • Controls On Hover
  • Show Feed's Title
  • Show Feed Domain
  • Custom News Field
  • RSS Field
  • Renderer for Widget Framework
Latest News Features:
  • Title
  • Loading Image
  • Cycle
  • Pause On Item
  • New Window
  • Multi Line
  • Maximum Number of Characters
  • Masked
  • Show Commands
  • Show Title
  • Stagger
  • Speed
  • Elements
  • Order
  • Left Image
  • Pause Image
  • Play Image
  • Right Image
  • Left Image Hover
  • Pause Image Hover
  • Play Image Hover
  • Right Image Hover
  • Animation In (100 different animations + random)
  • Animation Out (100 different animations + random)
  • Theme (120 Ready to use + custom)
  • Layout (3 ready to use)
  • Pause On Mouse Over
  • Resume On Mouse Out
  • Max Items
  • Antialiased
  • Base Url
  • News Field
  • Custom News Field
  • RSS Field
  • Renderer for Widget Framework
Swift Ticker - (All three designs: RSS - Social - Custom News) Features:
  • Theme
  • Date Localization (Short Days Names)
  • Date Localization (Full Days Names)
  • Date Localization (Short Months Names)
  • Date Localization (Full Months Names)
  • Date Localization (Elapsed Names)
  • Nav Arrows
  • Pagination
  • Carousel
  • Boxed News
  • Cache News
  • Social Share
  • Touch Swipe
  • Lightbox
  • Elapsed Time
  • Read More Button
  • Autoplay
  • Pause On Hover
  • Slide All
  • Expandable News
  • Scroll Exp Elem
  • Manage Exp Images
  • Auto Play After Exp
  • Show Source's Logo
  • Button Position
  • Height
  • Layout
  • Read More Text
  • Max News
  • News Per Time
  • Title Behavior
  • Image Behavior
  • Animation Time
  • Slideshow Time
  • Exp Main Img Pos
  • Date Format (with all placeholders)
  • Soundcloud (for Socials)
  • Pinterest (for Socials)
  • Youtube (for Socials)
  • Twitter (for Socials)
  • Google Plus (for Socials)
  • Facebook Page (for Socials)
  • Tumblr (for Socials)
  • Custom News (for Custom News)
  • RSS (for RSS)
  • Renderer for Widget Framework
Note: I'm not a professional developer and its not my job. I did it because we needed a news ticker (and also I'm interested in coding). So:
  • I don't promise to update it regularly
  • But because we use it in our own site too, so all reported bugs will be fixed asap.
  • And also good suggestions will be implemented when finding free time to do (but try to do them asap).
  • Because of this, I set its license as Lifetime. (and donations are always welcome)
  • newsticker2.webp
    19.3 KB · Views: 1,512
  • newsticker3.webp
    11.9 KB · Views: 1,521
  • newsticker4.webp
    35.5 KB · Views: 1,502
  • 2016-03-17_21-27-06.webp
    16.5 KB · Views: 1,459
  • jnt.webp
    45.3 KB · Views: 1,399
  • ticker.gif
    998.5 KB · Views: 1,416
  • help.webp
    47.8 KB · Views: 1,305
  • ticker.webp
    58.1 KB · Views: 1,233
  • widgets.webp
    34.5 KB · Views: 1,150
  • perms.webp
    23.4 KB · Views: 1,132
  • PayPal-Donate.webp
    1.4 KB · Views: 1,919
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 5 ratings

More resources from Ozzy47

Latest updates

  1. improvements for Swift Ticker!

    updated: Facebook sharing URL ( the old system isn't allowed anymore) fixed: Google+ source...
  2. user preference + improvements!

    added: user preferences to enable/disable newsticker by users for themselves added: user group...
  3. Swift Ticker Updated!

    added to Swift Ticker Social: Google+ added to supported sources (new field) Swift Ticker...

Latest reviews

Excellent Product!
Works great in my forum
Well worth the money
Highly recommended and good support as well
Thank You
Thanks for your review

Glad to see you still enjoy the add-on :)
One of the best addons that is worth the $30!
($24 in my case because of the social discount)

The news looks a lot more modern and fancier since I have bought this today also my members love it already.

Coming through with the amount of options this developer gives out is a crazy amount compared to many other paid addons.
Glad you like it. Thanks for your kind words.
Hope you and your members like it more as the time goes by.
(wait for next add-on. Maybe a surprise for your members ;) )
sir Today there is an update new version...
good addons..
updated again so that more and more of its functions ...
Thanks Zack for your review.
Sure. These days I'll try to add as much feature as possible. Because I have some free times. (Although I have travel)
But after a few days, I'll be so busy (Although improving never will be stopped)
So, you will see some awesome features in next few days. :)
This add-on is Superb! lots of features
Highly recommended, it’s definitely worth it’s price
Wish you the best.
Thanks for your time to review the add-on.
Glad to hear you like it. Hope you enjoy using it, and specially the next version :)
This is a very awesome app for those with forums that want to have some kind of news ticker. The author is very supportive and goes out of his way to make sure it work. This addon is worthy of more than 5 stars but 5 is all we can give.
Thanks Ernest for your kind words.
Happy to hear you like it.
Now wait for 1.0.8, there will be a surprise in it (That I wanted to release it as a new add-on, but decided to add it as a gift to this add-on so that customers of this add-on like you be able to use it freely)
Just installed this great ad-on. Just what I needed. Very nice to have multiple layout. I have changed the colorls so the news ticker fits the standard layout of the forum!
Thanks for your review.
Hope to be useful.
A new design in coming with 1.0.6 version. Containing amazing features. Hope you like it.
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