[HA] CTA FT Layouts

Unmaintained [HA] CTA FT Layouts 1.2.6

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Reviews 4.67 star(s) 6 reviews

My Favorite is Masonry. Thank you brother :)
This deserves a lot of praise. I will make a donation.
es-selamu aleykum.
va aleykum es-selamu

Thanks for your review :)

Glad to hear you like it. Hope you enjoy using it
Fantastic addon. I love the grid look for my forum homepage at https://www.mu-43.com. Lets us feature more than one thread at a time at the very top of the page. Looks clean, is responsive, and the developer gives extremely quick support considering that this is a free addon. Donation sent. Thank you!
Thanks Amin,

Glad you like it and hope you enjoy using it. I'll be here with you users of the add-on to make it better so that all of us get better looking sites.

Thanks for your kind words and also the donation. It is warmly appreciated.
Better service than some paid add ons ! Not only improved my site but helped beyond adjustments to the add on.... will be back to buy more and looking forward to what you have to bring to xenforo to make it a a great user experiance
Thanks for your kind words.

Glad you like it :)

Hope to find some more free time (+ more knowledge!) to bring more useful things (and because I also pay much attention to how a site looks, so I'll try to get things looking nice as much as I can)
Beautiful Add-on, makes my homepage look professional and clean looking.
Always had fast response from Developer and has fixed everything needed. Friendly to talk to and always willing to help
Thanks for your review.

Glad you like it. And I also like your home page using this add-on too. Neat and clean.

Hope you enjoy using it.
Love the feel and look this gives to my Forum. Plus the support is spot on from the developer. I will keep supporting just because of the quick response he gave with helping me gain the opportunity to use this add-on. Look forward to doing biz with you in the future. Keep up the excellent work and supporting the community. :0
Thanks for your kind words.

Glad you like it. Hope you enjoy using it.

And hope I can get some more free time to make more things that people need.
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