Digital Point Ads

Digital Point Ads 2.0.0

No permission to download
Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
Additional requirements
Requires being a Digital Point Ads publisher.
Visible branding
This is the companion addon for Digital Point Ads publishers that opens up the advanced functions of Digital Point Ads.

If you aren't a publisher, this addon does nothing for you. You can find publisher info here:

Without this addon, publishers are able to:
  • Sell banner ads (customizable, 16 sizes to pick from, text or image based, ability to fallback to AdSense if there is no ad to run [no risk/lost ad space]). Fully supports responsive ads (variable ad sizes).
  • Advertisers can geotarget the audience that sees their ads.
  • Advertisers can put daily spend caps on individual ads or on the campaign.
In addition to the above, this addon gives publishers the ability to:
  • Allow advertisers to target their banner ads to certain forums (for example an advertiser could target their banner ad to display just in the "Web Hosting" forum category if you had one).
  • Sell inline keyword link ads (the system can link keywords inside of posts that they want to bid on).
  • Sell 468x60 banner ads in the normal XenForo emails that are going out anyway for things like user registration confirmations, watched thread notices, etc. (no extra emails/spam).
It is NOT a requirement to sell all ad types (you can choose just to offer the type(s) of ads you want).

Keyword targeting ads:

Email ads:

Advertiser targeting options:
Related resources
The Ad Positioning plug-in is often used for placing the banner ads:
  • Like
Reactions: Kintaro and Veer
First release
Last update


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