[DBTech] DragonByte Donate

[DBTech] DragonByte Donate 4.0.0

No permission to buy ($14.95)
Update highlights

This version contains a pretty significant update: Per donation drive user group permissions!

You now have much greater control over who can view each donation drive, as well as who can donate (and in what manner) to each donation drive.
You can toggle the ability to donate per user group (defaults to enabled for everyone who can view your site), and toggle the ability to donate anonymously per user group (same defaults as the above).

For this reason, the per-drive options "Allow guest donations" and "Allow anonymous donations" have been removed, as they are superseded by the new user group permissions. If you had disabled either of these options, please configure your user group permissions after installing this update.

Lastly, a couple of minor visual bugs have been addressed.

If you want the full details on the v3.1.0 release, you can check it out here: https://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/store/dragonbyte-donate.350/release/1722/

Complete Change Log

Feature: Per-drive permissions
Feature: New user group permission: Donate (can donate to the forum)
Feature: New user group permission: Donate anonymously (requires the Donate permission)
Change: "Allow guest donations" drive option removed, as it is now handled by user group permissions
Change: "Allow anonymous donations" drive option removed, as it is now handled by user group permissions
Change: Slightly tweaked the Donation Drives list in the AdminCP
Fix: Fixed an instance where the HTML in the "Short description" would not be rendered
Fix: The donation drive entries in the navbar drop-down would not correctly link to the drive itself
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Update highlights

We're happy to bring you the first Beta version of our second major rewritten XenForo 2 only mod: DragonByte Donate! 🎉

This version has been completely rewritten from the ground up to be a completely native XenForo 2 modification, so this version will not run on XenForo 1. As a result, the UI in the AdminCP has received a major facelift, and now looks & feels as you would expect when running a XF2 mod.

Before we delve into the changes:
  • This is a Beta version, with sweeping database changes. Do not install this on a production forum without a backup that you can revert to in case something goes wrong. But please help us test it!
  • This version will not run on XenForo 1. Going forward, the focus of development will be on the XF2 version.
  • The DragonByte Credits integration requires v5.1.0 Beta 1 or newer.
Without further ado, onto the changes!

Donation thresholds (formerly known as "PM Thresholds") can now be limited to specific donation drive(s), and to specific user group(s). In other words, if you have set your user groups up in such a way that veteran / long-time users get a new user group, they can receive a different "thank you" message to a new member contributing.

You will need to re-configure your donation thresholds, in order to select the applicable donation drives and user groups.

In the front-end, the UI for listing donation drives has been changed, and no longer uses the donation drive widget for its display. The list has been redesigned to be more like a forum in the node list.

The "Short description" for donation drives has been changed to use HTML instead of BBCode, to put it more in line with standard forum descriptions. You will need to manually change any existing short descriptions that used BBCode. The "Full description" still uses BBCode.

Lastly, individual donations now has an overlay pop-up displaying more information regarding the donation, while still respecting the "Anonymous" flag.

Complete Change Log

Feature: Donation thresholds can now be limited per donation drive
Feature: Donation thresholds can now be limited to specific user groups
Feature: Individual donations now has an information overlay when clicking on them in the donation drive list
Change: Completely rewrote the modification to be a native XenForo 2 modification
Change: JavaScript files served by this modification are now minified
Change: The "Short description" for donation drives now uses HTML instead of BBCode
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Reactions: 51463 and kankan
What is happening?
On the 11th of July 2018, XenForo published their Resource Guidelines aimed at ensuring performance & stability of XenForo modifications. At the moment, this product does not meet these standards, due to the fact that this product has been engineered to allow the core code to run on both XenForo 1 and XenForo 2.

As a result, I am beginning work on re-engineering this product to become a "native" XenForo 2 modification. At this point in time, there are no plans to re-engineer the XenForo 1 version, as the guidelines appear to target XF2 specifically.

What does this mean for the XF1 version?

Given that I will no longer be able to produce new features for XF1 and XF2 simultaneously without also doubling the work, the version numbers for the XF1 and XF2 versions may diverge going forward. The primary focus of development will be the XenForo 2 version of this product. Support for the XF1 version is NOT ending, and you will continue to be able to download the XF1 version alongside the XF2 version free of charge. Whether I will bump the XF1 version's version number to be in line with XF2 is undecided at this time.

What does this mean for the XF2 version?

First of all, I want to be clear that you will NOT have to uninstall the existing XF2 version in order to continue using this product going forward. I will be releasing beta versions of the re-engineered XF2 version as I finish working on them. I will need your help testing the various features and combinations of features in order to ensure the Gold version is as stable as possible.

When will this update be released?

Unfortunately it is not possible for me to give an ETA on when these updates will be completed, as it depends on the complexity of each individual modification.

Will this be a paid upgrade?

If you have an active license at the time of release, you will be able to download the new version free of charge.

I would also like to ask for your patience while I work on this update. My ability to fix bugs in the existing released version may be diminished, depending on the complexity of the issue.
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Fix: Fixed an issue where the addon could fail to recognise it was running in the AdminCP
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Update highlights

This update fixes a few reported issues.

Complete Change Log

Fix: Updated the exchange rate API endpoint
Fix: On the main Donate overview page, the sidebar did not respect the "Top Donators" Limit or "Recent Donators" Limit settings
Fix: On the main Donate overview page, anonymous donations are no longer included in the "Recent Donators" sidebar block
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Update highlights

This update fixes an issue with deleted users and the donation drive overview page.

Complete Change Log

Fix: If a user who had donated was deleted from the database, the donation overview page would no longer function
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Feature: The importers from the XF1 version are now also in the XF2 version
Change: The copyright URL has been changed to match DBTech's new XF2 URLs
Fix: Bugfix roll-up since previous version
Fix: Bugfix roll-up from the previous Beta
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Fix: Fixed user criteria integration
Fix: Bugfix roll-up since previous Beta
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