donation manager

  1. GameNet

    Can someone upgrade all 4 of these add-ons to work for Xenforo 2.0? And adding some new Feature willing to pay $50.00 in canada

    Can someone upgrade either 4 of these add-ons to work for Xenforo 2.0? Can someone upgrade either one or both of these add-ons to work for Xenforo 2.0 and adding some new feature to [bd] paygates and [TH] Resources Icon - [TH] Resources Icon - [bd] paygates - Better Logout - ******* Attachment...
  2. DragonByte Tech

    [DBTech] DragonByte Donate 4.0.0

    DragonByte Donate is a professional donation mod, allowing administrators to accept donations from any payment processor you've added to XenForo 2. Uses DragonByte Donate is the ideal product for forums that wish to accept donations from their members. Featuring the ability to create multiple...
  3. DragonByte Tech

    [DBTech] DragonByte Donate 3.0.3

    DragonByte Donate is a professional donation mod, allowing administrators to accept donations from PayPal (additional options available via [bd] Paygates as an optional add-on). Uses DragonByte Donate is the ideal product for forums that wish to accept donations from their members. Featuring...
  4. jauburn

    Please recommend a donation manager

    I'm using an old, outdated donation manager add-on, and it never did quite work right (new donations have to be added manually to display correctly). I would like to get recommendations from fellow forum owners about which donation manager they use/like best. I'm looking for one that does these...
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