Resources by Mr. Goodie2Shoes

Unmaintained GoodForNothing Shell Defer 1.0.4
Move XenForo's defer task to shell!
GoodForNothing Link Proxy Mr. Goodie2Shoes
Unmaintained GoodForNothing Link Proxy 1.0.5
Anonymize/Proxy all your external links posted in your forum, manage delays and more!
Unmaintained GoodForNothing Warning Points 1.0.0
Adds a new variable for conversation message: Warning Points
GoodForNothing Notification Mr. Goodie2Shoes
Unmaintained GoodForNothing Notification 1.0.6 Update 3
Facebook-like notification for your users...
Adds a new tab to order resource items by most rated to least.
GoodForNothing Four Oh! Four Mr. Goodie2Shoes
Unmaintained GoodForNothing Four Oh! Four 1.1.2 Beta 1
Custom 404 page for your XenForo site, now with a logging mechanism...
Unmaintained GoodForNothing FileOutput Enhancement 1.0.0 Beta 1
Enables resumable download of attachments and more...
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