Please read the TXT files in my ZIP package!
How to download it:
Please follow simply these litle instruction,
if you have problems with registration and licence validation. After thats ok, you can download all free ressources.
Installation in 3 simple steps:
1. if not done - install first the latest BBcode & Buttons Manager (BBM) addon
2. after that, install the addon XML from my package
3. and after, import my two BBcode XML files in the BBM addon.
How to use it:
Set so many anchor you like, every anchor must have a unique name, insert him after the "=". Betwen the ] and [ you can input what you want to show as the anchor text.
[anchor=anchor name]just a text for the anchor[/anchor]
And to insert a jump link to the anchor(s), enter for every anchor one or more codes like this:
[iurl=anchor name]just a text for the link to the anchor[/iurl]
The anchor name after "=" must be exactly the same as in the anchor code bevore to work. The text betwen the ] and [ can be whatever you want.