AMPXF - AMP for Xenforo 2

AMPXF - AMP for Xenforo 2 2.3.0

No permission to buy (€50.00)
This release adds support for converting MathML formulas into nice looking Math equations. Option can be enabled under advances settings if your forum needs this :)

Someone asked, and we delivered :)

Payment for the addon can now also be done with the following cryptocurrencies:
  • Bitcoin
  • Bitcoin Cash
  • Coinbase
  • Dai
  • Ethereum
  • Litecoin
  • USD Coin
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Reactions: Sunka
  • Respect the default xenForo setting for cookie consent
  • Converts <audio> tags to <amp-audio>
  • Replace some non-allowed javascript:void() links
  • Some various compatibility "kludges" to work with themes that do things "not according to HTML5 spec.."
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Reactions: Sunka
If your forum is a non-profit, we now offer a license for 40€ with no daily traffic limitations.
The license is otherwise equal to a "Small" license in terms of support and renewal costs.
  • Style property: AMP Page Body which allows to override the body color for AMP
    • This brings further compatibility with some themes that use transparent background on the normal p-body and add extra layers of elements to actually set it the color they want..
  • Automagically insert <amp-sticky-ads> for sites that define sticky ads
  • Bugfix: Attachments were not clickable due to a missing z-index rule
  • Bugfix(XFES): Reaction summary looked bad/weird when reactionSummaryOnLists was set to "Second row, opposite side"
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Reactions: Sunka
  • Fixed bug where attachment previews didn't show image/icon
  • Option to "Show link to canonical page" (the "real site" )
    • Can be styled under Style Properties
  • Allow using a custom logo specifically for AMP pages
  • Allow styling the background of header/logo which can be color or image.
  • Menu button can also be styled in style properties now
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Reactions: Recep Baltaş
  • TH-compatibility option to shrink font-sizes like they do in their themes
    • Still unclear exactly why they do this but..
  • Remove non-valid uix-data-href attribute added by UIX
  • Add footer attribution to AMPXF
    • Can be disabled in options
    • Not a link, only text
  • convert <video> to <amp-video> if some addon adds videos to content
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Reactions: ichpen and Masetrix
  • Only insert sprites for smilies that are used on a page
    • Reduces the CSS size 👍 and prevents hitting the limit if your forum has many defined custom smilies
  • Bugfix for PHP8
  • Bugfix for erroneously reporting errors to admin in case an _amp_media_site_X template is missing.
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Reactions: Masetrix
  • Allow disabling the consent screens for EUGDPR / CCPA under Advanced options
  • Fix bug where <head> was missing <amp-ad>-related script
The bug might make your Google Search Console show that some pages are "Valid with warnings", so make sure to go ahead and restart validation for those if you use google search console :)
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