It supports xenforo's default ad system, but what about another highly popular ad system such as @Siropu 's?
Siropu's ad manager is great for the "normal site" where you need to keep track of different types of users etc.. For AMP all the users will be guests.
If you setup AMP ads normally, they will work alongside with Siropus addon. (AMP ads render on AMP pages, Siropu ads render on normal pages)
If you need to have more control about which ads to show in which nodes etc, you might need to ask
@Siropu if he can make his addon allow AMPXF ad positions.. (maybe they already can, if it allows "normal" positions??
I use a theme by Pixel Exit which looks pretty fantastic on mobile. Will that change? Sorry If I've misunderstood.
Hard to say, but I will guess it will look slightly different. One thing to note is that AMP pages are only served to new visitors that come in through Google. Once they start interacting with your forum more, they will be using the "normal site" and all of its CSS/JavaScript goodness
Extremely interested. Many thanks!
I'm very excited about this, because I have kinda "known" that it works (from my old sites where I implemented it).. But now also seeing the Beta test results I know for sure that it does help
damn. this looks interesting and something i would really want to get. but just checked my analytics and saw that visitor count (not page views) range from 5-7K which makes it just too expensive of an experiment to conduct. but glad to see that such an option does exists now for xenforo! congrats
Congratz on having a forum with that good daily visitor count!
I would suggest you take a look at your forum's regular monthly ad earnings, and then calculate how fast e.g. a 5% / 10% / 15% increase in ad revenue would pay of the initial investment
(that might help you make a decision)