AMPXF - AMP for Xenforo 2

AMPXF - AMP for Xenforo 2 [Paid] 2.3.0

No permission to buy (€50.00)
just curious about this... how are you handling hotlinked images. or even attached images!
Magics, lube and tears :D

No all joking aside, they are placed inside a container and set to "fill full space of it" and then that container is limited with css.

I have some plans to try and catch the real dimensions later, but for now this solution works :)
add ?amp=1 in the URL when you are visiting a thread.. For best experience do it with a Mobile viewport/size :)
I get redirected to the normal version of the thread. I couldn't find if there was a permission or anything.
I get redirected to the normal version of the thread. I couldn't find if there was a permission or anything.
hmm that doesn't sound right.. I checked your site and it seems the ServiceWorker is doing some redirecting there.. Do you have some customized Service Worker? 🤔
hmm that doesn't sound right.. I checked your site and it seems the ServiceWorker is doing some redirecting there.. Do you have some customized Service Worker? 🤔
No idea. Maybe it's some plugin/theme messing with it. I'll check it out and get back to you.
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I got it to work! thank you very much.

One last question, how am I supposed to enable AMP Auto Ads? I see there's a conditional inside Templater.php to detect if I use the audo ads code. I pasted it into the "After opening of <body>-tag [AMP]" position but the $ampAutoAds variable is not being set.

Maybe I'm doing it wrong, any help would be appreciated!
One last question, how am I supposed to enable AMP Auto Ads? I see there's a conditional inside Templater.php to detect if I use the audo ads code. I pasted it into the "After opening of <body>-tag [AMP]" position but the $ampAutoAds variable is not being set.

Maybe I'm doing it wrong, any help would be appreciated!
There is actually a bug that I will try to have out a release for still today, where the amp-ad and amp-auto-ads insertions don't happen correctly..

btw in our testing the amp-auto-ads for adsense has not seemed to work at all, but might be good to try and see if it works for you :)
There is actually a bug that I will try to have out a release for still today, where the amp-ad and amp-auto-ads insertions don't happen correctly..

btw in our testing the amp-auto-ads for adsense has not seemed to work at all, but might be good to try and see if it works for you :)
Yeah I'm just running some tests to see what sticks. I will probably use custom ads once I'm sure everything is working fine.
I get redirected to the normal version of the thread. I couldn't find if there was a permission or anything.

For this purpose I created a template extension. (activate Developers mode...)
Rich (BB code):
<xf:if is="$ampUrl">
<br /><a href="{$ampUrl}">  AMP-Version...</a>

This automatically inserts a link to the AMP version below your logo as soon as it detects an AMP version. You can then deactivate it again when it is no longer needed.


HTh... :D
Yeah I'm just running some tests to see what sticks. I will probably use custom ads once I'm sure everything is working fine.
The new release should have the fix for ads for you..

Also: the AMP Robot has found some things you can fix ;)

I noticed that your site has a huge amount of reactions/smilies, so the CSS Style goes way over the limit for your site.. I have some plans for how I can remedy some of this, but it might take a while.. In the meanwhile all your pages will likely be "non-valid" AMP..
Wrong package it seems for 1.1.2?


addon.json still has:
"version_id": 1010170,
"version_string": "1.1.1",
The new release should have the fix for ads for you..

Also: the AMP Robot has found some things you can fix ;)

I noticed that your site has a huge amount of reactions/smilies, so the CSS Style goes way over the limit for your site.. I have some plans for how I can remedy some of this, but it might take a while.. In the meanwhile all your pages will likely be "non-valid" AMP..
I will try to lower the amount of smilies. There are some old ones that are not used that often
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