AMPXF - AMP for Xenforo 2

AMPXF - AMP for Xenforo 2 [Paid] 2.3.0

No permission to buy (€50.00)
Siropu's ad manager is great for the "normal site" where you need to keep track of different types of users etc.. For AMP all the users will be guests.
If you setup AMP ads normally, they will work alongside with Siropus addon. (AMP ads render on AMP pages, Siropu ads render on normal pages)

If you need to have more control about which ads to show in which nodes etc, you might need to ask @Siropu if he can make his addon allow AMPXF ad positions.. (maybe they already can, if it allows "normal" positions??

Hard to say, but I will guess it will look slightly different. One thing to note is that AMP pages are only served to new visitors that come in through Google. Once they start interacting with your forum more, they will be using the "normal site" and all of its CSS/JavaScript goodness :D

I'm very excited about this, because I have kinda "known" that it works (from my old sites where I implemented it).. But now also seeing the Beta test results I know for sure that it does help :)

Congratz on having a forum with that good daily visitor count!

I would suggest you take a look at your forum's regular monthly ad earnings, and then calculate how fast e.g. a 5% / 10% / 15% increase in ad revenue would pay of the initial investment ;) (that might help you make a decision)
The problem is - how different. I wouldn't want to invest if it meant it wasn't compatible with my default (pixelexit) theme, and infact was broken or looked terrible. That would go completely against keeping / retaining the viewer interested. I don't know how this works, so forgive me if I'm misunderstanding. For instance, if the colours were just a little bit different or the layout was a little more narrow - that wouldn't be a problem. If the entire display was messed up due to an incompatibility with my sites theme - then that would be a decision maker. Not many sites use the default XF theme, so I guess this would either be a widespread problem or zero problem (win) all together.

Thanks :)
Are the license tiers for users per day as shown in Google analytics? Or users per day that log into the forum?
What this addon does ?


Interesting how this will affect forum style.
Hard to say, but I will guess it will look slightly different. One thing to note is that AMP pages are only served to new visitors that come in through Googley
The problem is - how different. I wouldn't want to invest if it meant it wasn't compatible with my default (pixelexit) theme, and infact was broken or looked terrible. That would go completely against keeping / retaining the viewer interested. I don't know how this works, so forgive me if I'm misunderstanding. For instance, if the colours were just a little bit different or the layout was a little more narrow - that wouldn't be a problem. If the entire display was messed up due to an incompatibility with my sites theme - then that would be a decision maker. Not many sites use the default XF theme, so I guess this would either be a widespread problem or zero problem (win) all together.

Thanks :)
Hoping to find out. @Faust
Note, if you choose the "show footer" option, and you are using a custom image in your footer style properties, it does not seem to work / image is not rendered.
Note, if you choose the "show footer" option, and you are using a custom image in your footer style properties, it does not seem to work / image is not rendered.
Although I think I'm missing the point of AMP here... lol - never mind; better to go lightweight!
Are the license tiers for users per day as shown in Google analytics? Or users per day that log into the forum?
Users per day as in Google Analytics

What this addon does ?

Interesting how this will affect forum style.
Hoping to find out. @Faust
I will make a FAQ item with some examples from our beta test sites later, I'll keep you updated :)
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how many do u have? I have many dozens custom. And 5 or 6 custom reactions. No known issues so far.
Not that much. But I guess it's the opportunity to get rid of some of the old ones
With current versions of the addon there shouldn't be a problem unless you have maybe 40+ extra smilies/reactions added. Julians styles render out some 160+ smilies and 26 reactions, so quite a lot more.

@JulianD of course you can do spring cleaning if you like :) But this is actually a problem that I need to solve with AMPXF, as AMP has the strict rules for CSS sizes, that XF devs don't have to care about (I understand why they render the current way, as it is a straightforward way)
Just thought I would enquire; Your pricing appears to be on the basis that sites will make money back through increased ad revenue.

I have opted to not serve any adverts nor ask for donations, it is a purely "for fun" project operating purely at a loss. Is there any discount available for such websites?
Just thought I would enquire; Your pricing appears to be on the basis that sites will make money back through increased ad revenue.
That is a good question. Another reason for pricing of course is that the AMP Robot will work harder for the larger site. But you are correct, one of the main reasons for higher pricing for larger sites is that they have more money to move around with, and are in my experience also expecting a higher quality of support and service.

Now that you raised this question, I'm considering that we could actually sell the "Small license" for forums that don't run ads, even if they are over the 5000 daily visitor limit. This will have to be added to the license agreement etc.. But I don't see why this wouldn't be possible 🤔

Thanks for the feedback! :)
That is a good question. Another reason for pricing of course is that the AMP Robot will work harder for the larger site. But you are correct, one of the main reasons for higher pricing for larger sites is that they have more money to move around with, and are in my experience also expecting a higher quality of support and service.

Now that you raised this question, I'm considering that we could actually sell the "Small license" for forums that don't run ads, even if they are over the 5000 daily visitor limit. This will have to be added to the license agreement etc.. But I don't see why this wouldn't be possible 🤔

Thanks for the feedback! :)
I share the same question. I use the siropou addon for ads, but I don't serve ads that make money. I use it to serve banners that I've created to advertise other parts of my website. I run at non profit, and actually lose money - but do it because it makes me happy. I don't really have to worry about the traffic right now as we're really small - but it might be beneficial for the above in the future.
...also, where does your AMP robot post its findings for my review? Is it on the "my forums" tab on your site?
Hi, my AMP report kicked on in google search console, which is great. I am getting this error, however:

...and it looks like this is the problem:

Am I supposed to remove XF ad slots that I'm using? But then no ads would show for non-AMP renderings 🤔
It seems that you have maybe placed a regular AdSense ad code into the Advertising positions instead of the "AdSense AMP" code?

I quickly checked your site for a random thread and the AMP is valid..
I actually see that the AMPRobot has found a page with broken script tag (url ends in "-came-to-be.16454/?amp=1", is it the same one)

...also, where does your AMP robot post its findings for my review? Is it on the "my forums" tab on your site?
Exactly there :)

But it will only report certain user-fixable things like broken links in the page..

The DISALLOWED_SCRIPT_TAG warning should probably also be added, so I will enable that one as being "user-fixable" as well and let you know, then you can see the "problem page" and revalidate it :) (spoiler: it is already correct, you probably had a regular adcode there yday when installing?)
It seems that you have maybe placed a regular AdSense ad code into the Advertising positions instead of the "AdSense AMP" code?
ah, that's right, for a couple of hours I had put the generic ad code into one of your [AMP] slots; that's probably what they picked up on and I've already fixed that. I'll re-validate. Thanks!
I actually see that the AMPRobot has found a page with broken script tag (url ends in "-came-to-be.16454/?amp=1", is it the same one)
I'll take a look.... That used to be a "blog" page and was converted over the years; will review and clean it up.
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