AMPXF - AMP for Xenforo 2

AMPXF - AMP for Xenforo 2 1.4.9

No permission to buy (€50.00)
  • Make the unused style stripping less aggressive as it currently removed a bit too much
  • Added possibility for us to debug style cleanup with a &debug=1 param which adds some comments into the html with debug data
  • Fix issue with some node list FA icons
  • Handle conversion of <object>-tags which are "valid" HTML5 but not allowed in AMP
This is a beta release, don't install unless you know what that means :)
  • Improve the unused styles cleaner to further shrink the style size
Next release will likely be a stable one, before we start adding some more compatibilities with addons
This is a beta release, don't install it unless you know what that means :)
  • Automatically insert head tag for amp-link-rewriter when found in page
  • Style compatibility with ThemeHouse/ReactPlus
  • Add a style fix for article pages where background color is wrong
  • Add favicon meta tag for AMP pages also (although search engines have been smart enough to use the canonical page one)
  • Strip out the inline style size for Ads manager banners so they get correctly size for AMP page
This is a beta release, don't install unless you know what that means :)
  • Fix icons to show correctly in pageNav on threads
  • Trim a few kB of styles that are not needed.
  • Fix the reactionsBar to be visible again
This is a beta release, don't install it unless you know what that means :)
  • "Update available"-message on admin "start page" with a link to the download.
    • Can be disabled under advanced options
  • Tiny fix for cyrillic character in broken link checker
This is a beta release, don't install unless you understand that it might have some small bugs :)
  • Shrink styles a bit further
  • autocleanup some trivial errors like target="blank" or target="_blank " that are common with some themes/sites
  • strip away faulty uix-href="..." which is not valid markup.. grrrrrr @ theme designers....
  • broken url checker to allow relative urls like ../
This is a beta release, only install if you know what that means, otherwise choose 1.3.8
  • Set all Font-Awesome icon styles similar to how XF does it (less risk for missing icons, but slightly larger style: ~1.5kB)
  • Shrink styles a bit further.
    • We found a way we could shrink styles ~40% further, but needs a bit more work before release. Probably coming in Beta 2 or 3 👍
  • Add a compatibility styling fix for Siropu/AdsManager where padding between posts was missing with such ads inserted
  • Fix a bug with converting Siropu ads lazy load images into <amp-img>
  • Option to hide AMP pages from Twitter so they don't send mobile users to the AMP variant
  • Utilize "vanilla" AMP events instead of amp-bind to hide dismissable notices
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