[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO

Unmaintained [8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO 1.2.2b

No permission to buy ($40.00)

Reviews 4.59 star(s) 51 reviews

I had just upgraded from vBulletin 4 to XenForo and needed something to replace the vBulletin 4 CMS. XenPorta2 was perfect for this. All I wanted was the ability to give XenForo a front page which could show some news / recent events on it, along with recent forum posts from various different categories.

I found this very easy to achieve with XenPorta, Jaxel was very helpful in providing answers to my newbie questions when making a few customisations.
After struggling for over a year to make WordPress work as front end that would serve as a launching point to both the forum and user generated articles I stumbled across XenPorta 2. The original XP wasn't right for me, I looked at other article and zine systems and none really fit my needs, so I felt forced to WordPress.

XP2 is a revelation. It's intuitive, easy to install and configure (watch the videos and read the threads, 99% of what you need is there and the author will respond to the other 1% (and even to the 99% already covered, but do us all a favor and let's try to limit Qs to those that are unanswered).

What I have now makes wonderful use of the Xenforo core to present as if I have a much more full bodied CMS than I actually do. This is a great thing. The ability to customize widgets, move them about as you please, spread them into parts of the core forum areas -- it's all fantastic. No more aggressive WP upgrade schedule, no more having to bridge (or suffer a divide) between different databases and user sets. Complete freedom to make your front/article pages look as you please, and it's a breeze to promote threads into articles and/or features.

This is exactly what I wanted all along, and I couldn't be happier (well, only if it had existed 3-4 years ago when I left vB).

Works brilliantly with xf1.5, plays well with everything from s9e's media embedding to Bob's SportsBook, and the drag and drop layout manipulation is so well done. Home run by Jaxel, and well worth the wait.
Really like this addons. I used XP1, and I decided to upgrade to XP2 for my site. I think there are many change in the near future.

Thanks so much Jaxel!
I find this resource to be fantastic. Very customize able and many options that allows so much. Very impressive development when into this. "Kudos"!
Really happy with this add-on. I bought it, installed it and within an hour had it almost exactly how I wanted it, so I bought the branding free! Saved me lots and lots of hassle installing and styling a wordpress blog for the front end.

I'd prefer if the sliders where fully responsive, but if everything worked perfectly I wouldn't be looking forward to future releases would I?
It is responsive in the next version... you can see it in action here: http://8wayrun.com/
Great addon. XP2 is way better and faster than XP1.6. This is worth the $40 you will have to pay.
Must have add-on to XenForo if you ask me.
Thank you Jaxel for your hard work.
I have tried many other portals both on XenForo and vBulletin to me Jaxel -8WayRun- has done a remarkable job adding functionality to this Portal addon which isn't just a Portal Addon it's an Article/News presenter and Widget Manager with a built in Slider.

It's also prepacked with a lot of useful widgets and there are a few addon and Style developers adding widgets to their addons made just for XenPorta 2

You can create multiple instances of the same Widget with Different Settings under Option Sets. My favorite is the HTML Widget! ;)

With release of XenPorta 2 version 1.2.2 you can now manage your Widget Layout with your mobile device be it a cell phone or tablet. The Widgets are simple to drag around and drop into place!
Very impressed with this add-on. Had previously tried XenPorta1, and was not happy - this versions seems to solve all those issues and more! Great integrated into the forum and a solid front-end. Wish I had started using this sooner!
Anyone who is running a decent sized board should definitely grab this. Makes your forum a lot more versatile and definitely helps bring any forum out from being just your plain old forum.
A fantastic addition to my website and more importantly, the support is outstanding... If you cant get answers to your problems quickly, then whats the point.... The Dev stands by his product, has great tutorial videos and quick and concise in helping troubleshoot problems... Kudos!
Great Add-on, Keep up the good work you are doing. It was worth $40 to get it. I would highly recommend it.
I purchased this add on to give my forum a portal like many others, as it seems the best Xenforo solution at the moment without resorting to bridges to other CMS software.

I am a user of the orignal Xenporta 1.0 as a free add on, and my first impressions are that this paid 2.0 version more than justifys the price tag.

The orignal add on worked fairly smoothly with Xf, but this version intergrates even better and feels to be much more polished and like I would imagine KAM would have made a portal for XF if they did one.

I was a little confused at first by some of the way some features are named and the way they worked didn't seem that intuative at first, but after a bit of trial and error, understanding dawned and I was able to work with it. (Perhaps I was just used to other CMS systems?)

I have seen a fair few other reviews saying that Jaxel's support is poor, but I can't confirm or deny that, as I was able to get the portal working exactily as I wanted it with a combanation of reading the FAQs on the prpduct, searching the resource discussion and googling stuff, so I never had to ask for any support directly.

Overall, it gets a thumbs up from me and 5 stars as it does just what I wanted and I have encountered no errors or stumbling blocks, and I think the asking price is justified.
I am a new Xenforo customer after using vBulletin for over 10 years. The first 'add-on' I required for my website was a portal / article manager, and after doing my research I was a little hesitant to purchase XenPorta due to the supposed lack of support. However after reading the FAQs and especially watching the very helpful youtube videos by @Jaxel, I was totally sold on the software.

The quality is amazing, and I have been able to find all the answers to any configuration questions on the support thread. Support *is* sometimes a little demanding of advanced knowledge of Xenforo or CSS, but as an out-of-the-box solution, XenPorta just works flawlessly. It is extremely powerful, and it is up to the user to know what they are doing if they want an advanced configuration.

I look forward to seeing the development of this product continue, as I believe @Jaxel is an extremely talented developer and his software is very user friendly.
I am using this addon Xenporta 2 already on 2 of my sites since 9 months. For 3 additional sites I was first hesitating because there is another addon out there which has just recently added the portal features to its abilities. But after comparing both addons with each other, I decided to get also for my other 3 sites Xenporta 2. Why?

1. Xenporta 2 offers widgets implementation. Important for me to stay flexible in the future (advertisement etc.)
2. Xenporta looks more elegant in layout, more polished. This is important if you want to replace Wordpress or Joomla with it.
3. It works with the addon "scheduled content". With this combination, you have a real replecement of Wordpress and Joomla. See here: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/schedule-content-original-scheduled-post.2216/
4. It is cheaper than the competition. Cheaper price in USD and no renewal fee. If you run more than one site and have more than one payed addon on each site, this is an important factor.

To sum it up, I think that Xenporta 2 is at the moment the only addon that is focussing exactly on my needs without unnecessary clutter. Not more, not less.

It replaces Wordpress and Joomla for me. This is the only thing I expect and want to have from it.

And it does this very easy, very nice looking and very reliable. I hope it keeps this focus and only adds features which go even deeper with the intention to be the best replacement of Wordpress and Joomla without loosing its core strenghts. So please do not get distracted! Keep Focus, Focus, Focus. Also for the next version of Xenforo 2.x
this is very user-friendly, thanks! Def worth the money. It is a lot more advanced than the free unmaintained one. Thanks for the release, i recommend this addon.
Works very well! Jaxel's add-ons are continuously getting better! I highly recommend this add-on for anyone looking for a "front page" that delivers everything when there's news!
The flexibility of the new XenPorta2 version is significantly greater than the original (which was also excellent). Yeah, the wait was longer than anticipated, but I never fretted, knowing the product would be worth the wait! Top quality stuff here!
Jaxel fixes bugs fast, and it's much better than xenporta 1, but at the same time keeps all the good functionality. This might make me consider removing bd's widget framewwork and xentag because this addon replaces those, even though they are great addons also
A powerful product that has a steep learning curve, but a lot of depth. Definitely worth the $40. Allows you to quickly create content management pages (including a nice portal) as well as extend content frameworks into the core of the xenForo forums (if you desire). A decent amount of drag and drop widgit support, with new widgits likely on the way. Highly recommend!
As soon as this came out, I was extremely excited. As a long time XP user, I was definitely not disappointed with the additions that Jaxel made. Everything is improved and it's well worth the money.

Also, a really nice FAQ.
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