I am using this addon Xenporta 2 already on 2 of my sites since 9 months. For 3 additional sites I was first hesitating because there is another addon out there which has just recently added the portal features to its abilities. But after comparing both addons with each other, I decided to get also for my other 3 sites Xenporta 2. Why?
1. Xenporta 2 offers widgets implementation. Important for me to stay flexible in the future (advertisement etc.)
2. Xenporta looks more elegant in layout, more polished. This is important if you want to replace Wordpress or Joomla with it.
3. It works with the addon "scheduled content". With this combination, you have a real replecement of Wordpress and Joomla. See here:
4. It is cheaper than the competition. Cheaper price in USD and no renewal fee. If you run more than one site and have more than one payed addon on each site, this is an important factor.
To sum it up, I think that Xenporta 2 is at the moment the only addon that is focussing exactly on my needs without unnecessary clutter. Not more, not less.
It replaces Wordpress and Joomla for me. This is the only thing I expect and want to have from it.
And it does this very easy, very nice looking and very reliable. I hope it keeps this focus and only adds features which go even deeper with the intention to be the best replacement of Wordpress and Joomla without loosing its core strenghts. So please do not get distracted! Keep Focus, Focus, Focus. Also for the next version of Xenforo 2.x