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This forum spotlights some of XenForo's interesting features. Spotlights on features in upcoming releases will be posted here.
Resource Icons and Featured Resources
Today, we're continuing on with our look at some of the new features coming in the 1.1 release of the XenForo Resource Manager. Up next are 2 of the most common requests. Note that as before, we're not running RM 1.1 here yet so you can't play with these just yet. Resource Icons In the current RM release, the icon that is displayed with a resource has simply been the avatar of the author. This has been used in resource lists and next to the title when viewing the resource itself. In 1.1, administrators can choose to let users upload unique icons for each resource instead, similar to what you might find in various app stores. The icon allows resource authors to have a space to add a quick, unique identifying element to their resource...
More Assorted Things
We missed last week, but lets make it up with a look at a bunch of new things coming in 1.2. We do still have various "big" things to show, but we'll save them for another day. Template editing improvements: tabs, ctrl-s, auto tabbing The template editor in the admin CP is now easier to code directly within with a few changes: Pressing tab will now insert an actual tab. You can save the template using ctrl+s (or cmd+s). When you press enter on a line that starts with whitespace, the next line will automatically start with that amount of whitespace. (Basically, this keeps your tab depth.) If you highlight multiple lines, you can use tab or shift-tab to indent or outdent all of the selected lines automatically. <xen:set> improvements...
Here are a handful of new 1.3 features neatly packaged up into a single video for your viewing entertainment... View on Vimeo Update, Jan 15 - Case Sensitivity 101 There have been various questions about what case sensitive searching means in the video... In a nutshell, without case sensitivity, searching for 'Foo' would return all results containing any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters spelling 'foo', such as 'foo', 'fOo', 'foO' and 'Foo'. However, with case sensitivity enabled, searching for 'Foo' would only return results that contain exactly 'Foo', while other combinations of uppercase and lowercase letters would be ignored.
Profile post comment improvements
Compared to profile posts themselves, profile post comments have been missing tools for user interaction and moderator management. XenForo 1.5 sorts this by adding an array of new, but familiar, functionality to profile post comments. This screenshot should give you a good idea of some of the changes :) Ability to like profile post comments This is actually specifically one of the most popular suggestions and is pretty self explanatory. Profile post comments now support the like system. Of course if someone likes your comment, you get an alert just as you would expect: And we have also added support for comments appearing in the News Feed / Recent Activity: Soft deleting profile post comments Until now the only way to remove...
Route Filters
Route Filters are a new system in XenForo 1.2 to allow you to change the standard URLs generated by XenForo, including any URLs generated by add-ons. It's a fairly simple system to show, but it's very powerful with a little thought. Let's look at what you can set with it: Other than a list of route filters, that's really it for the system. So how about a few examples... Changing a route prefix There's an add-on that does this right now, but we can do it simply from here. For example, if you want to change the resources URL to downloads, you'd just enter resources/ in the find box and downloads/ in the replace box. Instantly, any links to http://xenforo.com/community/resources/ would become...
XenForo 1.4 includes a handful of useful improvements to help you manage and monitor the user upgrades you have set up on your system. Watch on Vimeo I'm attempting a new recording system with this video - the main thing you should notice is the improvement in audio quality, but if you have any other comments do let me know. However, please don't post feature suggestions in this thread, even if they are directly related to this system! Any features suggestions should be posted in the appropriate feature suggestion forum so that they can be properly assessed and catalogued.
Welcome to XenForo 1.4 / More Assorted Improvements
Welcome to XenForo 1.4. As we are nearing a beta release, it's now time to upgrade XenForo.com and put the new code through its paces. Once we're happy with the state of it, an unsupported beta version will be made available to all customers with active licenses. However, there are still some other improvements to discuss in 1.4. Over time, you may see tweaks that haven't been explicitly called out or adjustments to features that have been shown in previous Have You Seen's. Forum option: moderate new threads and replies separately Previously, forums could only be set to moderate all posts or none. This option has now been split to give you the option to control moderation of new threads and new replies separately: As before, users...
Today, we have a video showing upcoming improvements to the XenForo help system, and a new way to surface profile posts. View on Vimeo My apologies for the sound quality, I'm hoping that some new audio gear will be arriving before I record the next one of these. Just a reminder: Please do not post suggestions in this thread (even if you feel they are related). Use the dedicated suggestion forum so they can be tracked; suggestions made in this thread are unlikely to be implemented.
Miscellaneous Improvements
Today, we have some more improvements coming in XenForo 1.4. Individually, these features are not big enough to dedicate an entire HYS thread, but some of them have been heavily requested nonetheless. Limiting watched content notifications to active users As you can probably work out from the screenshot, if this option is enabled, users that have not visited recently will not receive (or be considered for) alerts and emails from content they watch. This is mostly done for performance reasons. However, you can probably assume that if a user doesn't visit your forum for a long period of time, they aren't interested in the content they're watching and are unlikely to return. Stopping emails to them may prevent an invalid spam report...
Google+/Twitter Registration, User Upgrade Logs, Censor Improvement
Let's look at a few more features coming in XenForo 1.3. Google+ and Twitter Registration/Login Like the Facebook registration/login that we've had, XenForo 1.3 will now support registering via Google+ or Twitter: The first time a user clicks one of those buttons, they'll be taken to the correct service to validate the request. They will then be redirected back to the forum. If they have already registered, they will be logged in automatically; otherwise, they will have the option to complete the registration or associate with an existing account. Like with the existing Facebook integration, to use Twitter and Google+ registration, you will need to create the necessary "app" with their services and enter the public and private...
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