XF 1.5 Profile post comment improvements

Compared to profile posts themselves, profile post comments have been missing tools for user interaction and moderator management. XenForo 1.5 sorts this by adding an array of new, but familiar, functionality to profile post comments.

This screenshot should give you a good idea of some of the changes :)


Ability to like profile post comments
This is actually specifically one of the most popular suggestions and is pretty self explanatory. Profile post comments now support the like system.

Of course if someone likes your comment, you get an alert just as you would expect:


And we have also added support for comments appearing in the News Feed / Recent Activity:


Soft deleting profile post comments
Until now the only way to remove profile post comments is to permanently delete it. In XenForo 1.5 we are bringing the ability to soft delete comments in the same way you can soft delete profile posts and other content:



Ability to search profile post comments
Profile post comments are now indexed and are searchable from the global "Everything" search or from the Search Profile Posts tab on the search page:


If you decide to search for profile post comments, you will see these alongside the results for profile posts.


After XenForo 1.5 is installed, we will begin to index any new profile post comments. Remember to rebuild the search index to have your existing comments indexed too.

Other improvements
As I'm sure you would expect, we have now also implemented the remaining content-based controls that you see on most other content types:


Here's a summary:
  • Comments can now be reported
  • They can be undeleted (if soft deleted)
  • They can be approved/unapproved
  • Profile post comments have always been subject to spam checks, but now they have support for the moderation queue rather than blocked completely.
  • Moderator actions on profile post comments are now logged in the Moderator Log
  • Warnings can be issued on comments
  • And you can trigger the spam cleaner from a comment and the comments can be soft deleted (and restored) via the spam clean process.
That concludes what we have to show you in terms of improvements for profile post comments. We are excited to show you even more stuff next week! :)

One question, how would they be unapproved? I see no unapprove link in the screenshots...

There is one. But the screenshot where you see the full controls menu is a deleted comment and you can only unapprove visible comments.
Incidentally probably worth noting that all of this is controlled by the existing profile post permissions.
I like your style of providing a summary of the HYS at the end of your post (y)

Btw I got curious after reading this:

  • And you can trigger the spam cleaner from a comment and the comments can be soft deleted (and restored) via the spam clean process.

Unless I'm missing something, the spam clean process only deletes content... it doesn't restores anything. Why you said that comments could be restored via the spam clean process?
Well ain't this something. I thought for sure this was going to be saved for 2.0. Maybe 1.5 will have slightly bigger features than anticipated. Solid work.

That's true, I remember that somewhere in the forum one of the devs (or a well known member) stated the architecture of XenForo wasn't ready to implement profile post comments likes and other controls. It looks like they have changed the architecture which is something that was (supposedly) being reserved for 2.0

I'm excited :sneaky:
I remember that comment, I read it in passing, I can't remember who it was. It was before I was staff. I didn't think anything of it, at the time. Though, really, there's nothing drastically different in the architecture here other than a few extra database fields and additional content type fields.
The architecture always supported it, the code integration for profile post comments never existed. 1.5 implements all the necessary content type classes to make them a full content type.
Unless I'm missing something, the spam clean process only deletes content... it doesn't restores anything. Why you said that comments could be restored via the spam clean process?
You can run a spam cleaner restore in the control panel. (In generally, it can only restore if you do soft deletes.)
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