Online since January 2001
453,708 members
27,744,416 messages
AVForums.com is both an internet community where people discuss Audio Visual home consumer electronics and a resource of news, reviews and articles covering home entertainment, technology, movies, TV shows, music, video gaming and more.
We started as a UK home cinema community way back in 2000. We now encompass all aspects of home entertainment and technology.
Our goal is to grow a friendly, helpful community who feel comfortable and confident asking questions and sharing their knowledge and experiences.
To achieve this, we put special emphasis on making new people feel welcome, we do not tolerate cyber-bullying and we insist that members are respectful to others.
At AVForums you can get totally free advice from other people on all subjects relating to AV. People often come to find what products to buy, where to buy them from, and how to get the most out of them after they get them home.
There is an ever growing membership getting satisfaction from helping others achieve the best from their home entertainment and technology experiences, whether by answering questions aired or passing on their wisdom.
In addition to the community, we have an editorial team whose remit is to publish independent, impartial, expert reviews, news and articles which are technically accurate but written in plain English. We aim to represent our community by pushing the manufacturers for ever better products and we’re proud that our editorial opinions are respected by the AV industry.