Your XenForo 1.1 Wish List

+1 for users being able to change thread title, Preferably with time limit on editing
Screen shot 2011-03-10 at 2.24.48 AM.webp
And better yet: allow viewing of screenshots of add-ons, then show the "you must be a licensed customer" message for the add-on files.
That is what I was trying to say when I typed this "or allow non-licensed customers to view those.". You just said it better. :)
I wish that they leave it alone for the most part, don't progressively bloat it with excessive features, and instead focus on writing official addon's and even export what could become bloat as mods, so those who choose to use official XF bits and pieces do so at their own peril, without the product itself ever becoming bloated... like they all seem to do (forum software companies) eventually after compiling addition, upon addition, upon addition.
For me, there are only two really important components left:
  • An Infraction type system. Preferably, set up to function with points + automatic bans similar to VB / IPB.
  • Group Promotions: Just throwing it out there :).
Awesome job with 1.0 guys! Looking forward to great stuff.
I'm not saying these are or aren't confirmed, they're just links to comments by Kier.

Text inclusion in email notifications
Identify robots/spiders
Ignore feature
Template rebuilding

are there also any comments about the planed timeframes?
each 3 months , or each 1/2 year a release,etc...? what's with maintain releases?

will we see soon a roadmap?
xenforo is a really young product, missing many important features, so it's IMHO very important, to know what's planned for the next 1/2 - 1 year.

Many people want to switch, but because of the missing features, they have to wait or to get an 3rd party developer to create the missing features for them.
With a roadmap it would be easier, to convince them to use xenforo because they could plan there upgrade better...

I don't mean a big fat list with all planned features(including feature we will never see like we got on, i mean the "short goals" for the next 1/2 - 1 year.
If it were me, I'd skip the detailed "roadmap", add another forum for those with a licence. Kier & Mike can post threads of what they're going to do (being as vague or specific as they decide so no "secret plans" getting out to the competition). We then "Like" the stuff we want as a priority. Voila, XenForo community version of Dell Ideastorm. The guys can then get to work.
Wishlist for 1.1

A Roadmap - right now we have no idea the direction the developers want to or plan on taking XF. While a fun ride for some, others need just a tiny bit more stability or direction.
I don't mean a big fat list with all planned features(including feature we will never see like we got on, i mean the "short goals" for the next 1/2 - 1 year.
couldnt agree more. Especially about 'basic' functions that are still missing for daily usage and any competitor already has (thread prefix, custom profile fields, search in threads, ignore user, mass deletes aso ), not about new fancy stuff that may not be talked about in public.
We would like to switch asap but we also depend on those basics to get in. So new outstanding features wont really help if we cant switch in first place ;)
will we see soon a roadmap?
xenforo is a really young product, missing many important features, so it's IMHO very important, to know what's planned for the next 1/2 - 1 year.
Just this ^_^ ragtek hit the nail on the head here.
I wish that they leave it alone for the most part, don't progressively bloat it with excessive features, and instead focus on writing official addon's and even export what could become bloat as mods, so those who choose to use official XF bits and pieces do so at their own peril, without the product itself ever becoming bloated... like they all seem to do (forum software companies) eventually after compiling addition, upon addition, upon addition.

Maybe have a section in the admincp where you can 'turn on' and 'off' major things like Event Calendars and Photo Albums that will strip all the coding off the product in the live environment if you switch it off.
I don't want a roadmap anymore
Now I want to be surprised. As long as the releases keep rolling with awesome features in an awesome implementation I'm fine with that.
I don't want a roadmap anymore
Now I want to be surprised. As long as the releases keep rolling with awesome features in an awesome implementation I'm fine with that.

Personally, I agree with that. Development has been happening quick enough that I've been happy. Part of the problem with *other* forum software is that we were seeing NO progress. That's what I think led to the constant calls for a "roadmap."
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