Your Top 5 Favorite Xenforo Modifications?

That arcade looks awkward.
A better design would be to make it looks like

I think a "betting on anything" addon could be very popular.
Who is going to win the Oscar for best picture ?
It'll be fun to see "who was right". :) and how much they bet !
That arcade looks awkward.
A better design would be to make it looks like

I think a "betting on anything" addon could be very popular.
Who is going to win the Oscar for best picture ?
It'll be fun to see "who was right". :) and how much they bet !
I'm okay with the way the Games section looks since it's not strictly an arcade. It includes Xbox Leaderboards and Sportsbook. An explanation of why I added eBookie to the Games section is here: The 'All' tab pisses me off though because it does not actually show all of the games.
- node as tabs by Jake Bunce
- Xenmoods by Dismounted
- The happyplace - by inph
- Bookmarks - Syndol
- Toggle sidebar - by tfh

It's since changed slightly

- Node As Tabs by Jake Bunce still retains top spot for me.
- Xenmoods by Dismounted is on par with - Post Ratings by DarkImmortal
- The happyplace by Inph (Maintained by Kier)
- Bookmarks by Syndol
Whose? Mine?
Hey I'm not that bright when it comes to this Sportbook stuff but how do you make it so that sportsbook only pays out what people bet? Cause I notice that if you do a 5 to 1 or 3 to 1 kinda odds right, the modification pays you way more than you put in, basically creating a loophole in which a member can make tons of money. How do you restrict this modification to only paying out what people put in?
Hey I'm not that bright when it comes to this Sportbook stuff but how do you make it so that sportsbook only pays out what people bet? Cause I notice that if you do a 5 to 1 or 3 to 1 kinda odds right, the modification pays you way more than you put in, basically creating a loophole in which a member can make tons of money. How do you restrict this modification to only paying out what people put in?

That is what betting does.

Usually a big favorite should be set at like... 1 to 5 odd (0.20 payout). A longshot is at 5 to 1 (5.00) of course, that multiplies with whatever your bet was. If you have two options listed, and both show over (1.00), no one will ever lose money. Use Skybet. Simple.
It's not that false man. Some coders really do things for others purely out of good will. That's been my experience on both vBulletin and xenforo, not so much for xenforo but definitely when I was using vBulletin. On the flip side, xenforo's customer support is way faster. In other words, vBulletin seems to have nicer coders but xenForo has nicer customer support.

I, on the other hand, value my fellow programmers much more than that. We are professional. We hire each other. And we never cheat. That's how we maintain our trusting relationship and remain good friends :)

We meet, we make friends, we keep contact. So we can hire each other. Not so we can cut down cost no.

Our goal is much more than just a few free scripts.
It's since changed slightly

- Node As Tabs by Jake Bunce still retains top spot for me.
- Xenmoods by Dismounted is on par with - Post Ratings by DarkImmortal
- The happyplace by Inph (Maintained by Kier)
- Bookmarks by Syndol

Mines changed again and sadly bookmarks falls off the 5th spot but a very good add-on. Notifications speeds in at number 2 whilst jakes nodes as tabs still retaining no1 spot and xenmoods along with post ratings losing a place to joint 3/4

- Node As Tabs by Jake Bunce still retains top spot for me.
- Notifications - powered by Gritter by Chris Deeming.
- Xenmoods by Dismounted is on par with - Post Ratings by DarkImmortal
- The happyplace by Inph (Maintained by Kier)
Mines changed again and sadly bookmarks falls off the 5th spot but a very good add-on. Notifications speeds in at number 2 whilst jakes nodes as tabs still retaining no1 spot and xenmoods along with post ratings losing a place to joint 3/4

- Node As Tabs by Jake Bunce still retains top spot for me.
- Notifications - powered by Gritter by Chris Deeming.
- Xenmoods by Dismounted is on par with - Post Ratings by DarkImmortal
- The happyplace by Inph (Maintained by Kier)
Is the notifications addon an extension of the notices system or is it something else?
Hmmm. Can it be used in conjunction with alerts?

Nope. I wouldn't think this is something that would be beneficial because the notification is just that an alert, a notification. Any reason why you would want it to be alert integrated? The best person to ask about all of that would be chris and posting in the notification resource thread and querying him on that.
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