Yet another WordPress bridge... calling for testers.


Well-known member
I believe I was the first to provide a WordPress bridge for XenForo (proof) but the way it worked makes me feel sick so that project was suspended. Now, I'm back with another bridge! Maybe it is a bit too late with 1, 2, 3,... many bridges out there already :eek:

Anyway, I'm looking for testers with a wide range of WordPress configuration: single blog or network (WordPress Multisite). Have installed XenForo on the same server or on a different server. I want to get as many feedbacks and bug reports as possible to finalize the bridge before its release. Testers will have access to a private forum at my site to download the bridge, read instruction and provide feedback. If you plan to join us, please go ahead and register an account ;)

To roll in, please reply to this thread with your WordPress/XenForo configuration + link to your account on my site.
More information:
  • XenForo installation needs to install [bd] API
  • Many WordPress installations can be paired with a XenForo installation (n-1 relationship)

  • Supports XenForo/WordPress on different servers, different domains.
  • Supports single blog and multisite WordPress.
  • Single sign on.
  • WordPress post sync to XenForo thread (2 way)
  • WordPress comment sync to XenForo post (2 way)
  • Thread widget to pull threads from XenForo.
I wish I'd known you were working on this bridge. The SSO, post sync are well worth the interest !

Account on your site: LPH ;)
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I was planing on creating a wordpress blog, I'll contact you as soon as I have it up and running.
Sounds interesting - I use both on my site, but would rather get rid of WP than bridge.....that is, a 1/2 decent portal and article system would have me running away from WP. Not trying to give you a hint here.........

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