XPress - A theme and bridge for bringing WordPress into XenForo [Deleted]

Please go back and read my posts throughly, I very well understood your problem. You head to your WordPress dashboard, drop a widget into the XenForo widget configuration slot, save that widget, and then your XenForo Widgets page will work again, it's that simple.

If I remember correctly, the error was also resolved if I simply used the xpress wordpress theme.
A couple more quick questions.

How can I adjust the slider image size (only have 1)
Will there be an option to post the entire post (with image) in xenforo?
How do I remove user info from the post image?
Option to show more/less grid posts?
Any way to link directly from grid post to forum post and bypass post page (assuming xenforo posts are complete posts)
In the beginning, the developers and support crew of ThemeHouse were involved in offering support. However, they are most of the time absence, how come?
In the beginning, the developers and support crew of ThemeHouse were involved in offering support. However, they are most of the time absence, how come?

I would suggest if anyone has any major issues to use their websites ticket system to get faster responses. I think this addon for anyone that makes it does require a lot of extra attention to the user as it doesn't always seem to be easy to figure out for everyone. It took me a while to understand how it works but now I am good now! Plus I would think nobody here lives off making this stuff am sure they all have other jobs and do this on the side? I could be wrong...
That or we're crunching on an update: https://github.com/Audentio/xpress-issues/issues?q=is:issue+is:closed

Its been sent to beta team
A couple more quick questions.

How can I adjust the slider image size (only have 1)
Will there be an option to post the entire post (with image) in xenforo?
How do I remove user info from the post image?
Option to show more/less grid posts?
Any way to link directly from grid post to forum post and bypass post page (assuming xenforo posts are complete posts)
Thanks, it will be nice if we're able to know about these kind of updates.
You can follow the github channel, there is a button for it if you have an account. Its free to join, you just create an account and click watch.
How can I adjust the slider image size (only have 1)
Will there be an option to post the entire post (with image) in xenforo?
How do I remove user info from the post image?
Option to show more/less grid posts?
Any way to link directly from grid post to forum post and bypass post page (assuming xenforo posts are complete posts)
All good questions.
1. I dont think there are settings for this, its more just the height, controlled with CSS
2. Its unlikely we'd want to post the entire thing. I mean thats the purpose of the article. Theoretically easy to build, just not sure if we'd want that setting. If you duplicate the content on your site, it is not ideal for SEO as you'll have competing pages. Its just intended to be a bridge into the software. Maybe a more useful feature is to not even need the thread at all. Meaning if you visit the thread, it just redirects you to article. Would that be useful? https://github.com/Audentio/xpress-issues/issues/208
3. Post image? Do you have a screen of what you want to remove?
4. I think this is setup in the template at the moment. Ive made an issue to make this a setting. https://github.com/Audentio/xpress-issues/issues/207
5. Ah I see an inverse of what I recommended in item 2. I'll make an issue on that here https://github.com/Audentio/xpress-issues/issues/209
2. Its unlikely we'd want to post the entire thing. I mean thats the purpose of the article. Theoretically easy to build, just not sure if we'd want that setting. If you duplicate the content on your site, it is not ideal for SEO as you'll have competing pages. Its just intended to be a bridge into the software.

My thinking is this.

In a sense you already have duplicating content. You have a snippet on wp, full article on wordpress page, and a snippet in the forum.

Why not just bypass the WP page completely and have a snippet on wp and the full article on xenforo.
Why not just bypass the WP page completely and have a snippet on wp and the full article on xenforo.

That would sort of defeat the purpose of this product, at that point all you have is an index page to list out your threads rather than an integration with WordPress
Anyone else having problems with the Divi Visual Builder loading? I've has this relatively blank screen with an animated center image for over 5 minutes now...

Finally bought this. It is great and looks nice. I'm still trying figure out how to make some articles featured, where do I look for that option?
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