XPress - A theme and bridge for bringing WordPress into XenForo [Deleted]

A quick feature suggestion. You already have an admin group to wp admin mapping. Add mappings from XF group of choice to WP Editor and other base WP roles.
Trying this out first time. A few gotchas that should be documented more clearly like DO Not save your wp plugin config before XF configuration and do not activate you xpress wp theme again before xf configuration or you will lose access to wp entirely.
Well, we have an extensive installation section in the documentation...

A quick feature suggestion. You already have an admin group to wp admin mapping. Add mappings from XF group of choice to WP Editor and other base WP roles.
That's already in the backlog. (y)
Disappointed to see I have to pay for this addon, even though I've been subscribed on the themehouse website for months for the package that includes all xenforo 2 addons.
Hey guys, apparently our latest release shipped with the Theme package from Patch Level 2 instead of the latest Patch Level 4. We've updated the download on our homepage! I've you've already downloaded and installed Patch Level 4 please redownload it from your customer area and replace the theme folder with the content from the newly downloaded file!
Hey guys, apparently our latest release shipped with the Theme package from Patch Level 2 instead of the latest Patch Level 4. We've updated the download on our homepage! I've you've already downloaded and installed Patch Level 4 please redownload it from your customer area and replace the theme folder with the content from the newly downloaded file!

You mean the Wordpress theme only that needs replacing right?
Hey guys, apparently our latest release shipped with the Theme package from Patch Level 2 instead of the latest Patch Level 4. We've updated the download on our homepage! I've you've already downloaded and installed Patch Level 4 please redownload it from your customer area and replace the theme folder with the content from the newly downloaded file!

Nope now totally broken:

An exception occurred: [Error] Call to undefined method XPress::registry() in blog/wp-content/themes/wp-xpress-theme/header.php on line 7

  1. require_once() in blog/wp-includes/template.php at line 688
  2. load_template() in blog/wp-includes/template.php at line 647
  3. locate_template() in blog/wp-includes/general-template.php at line 41
  4. get_header() in blog/wp-content/themes/wp-xpress-theme/front-page.php at line 12
  5. include() in blog/wp-includes/template-loader.php at line 74
  6. require_once() in blog/wp-blog-header.php at line 19
  7. require() in blog/index.php at line 17
Disappointed to see I have to pay for this addon, even though I've been subscribed on the themehouse website for months for the package that includes all xenforo 2 addons.

This is a very large add-on that just didn't work well with the scope of our subscription. If your subscription has been active for at least 3 months you should've gotten a coupon code for 50% off XPress, if you didn't get this just make a ticket and we'll have a look :)
Nope now totally broken:

An exception occurred: [Error] Call to undefined method XPress::registry() in blog/wp-content/themes/wp-xpress-theme/header.php on line 7

  1. require_once() in blog/wp-includes/template.php at line 688
  2. load_template() in blog/wp-includes/template.php at line 647
  3. locate_template() in blog/wp-includes/general-template.php at line 41
  4. get_header() in blog/wp-content/themes/wp-xpress-theme/front-page.php at line 12
  5. include() in blog/wp-includes/template-loader.php at line 74
  6. require_once() in blog/wp-blog-header.php at line 19
  7. require() in blog/index.php at line 17

I've just double checked the package, and that function does exist. Could you try reuploading all files for the plugin as well? Sounds like you may have an outdated file in the plugin perhaps
I've just double checked the package, and that function does exist. Could you try reuploading all files for the plugin as well? Sounds like you may have an outdated file in the plugin perhaps

Overwrote plugin WP files and have new error on the front end:

An exception occurred: [Error] Call to undefined method XPress::phrase() in blog/wp-content/themes/wp-xpress-theme/inc/actions.php on line 51

  1. {closure}() in blog/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php at line 286
  2. WP_Hook->apply_filters() in blog/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php at line 310
  3. WP_Hook->do_action() in blog/wp-includes/plugin.php at line 453
  4. do_action() in blog/wp-includes/widgets.php at line 1649
  5. wp_widgets_init() in blog/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php at line 286
  6. WP_Hook->apply_filters() in blog/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php at line 310
  7. WP_Hook->do_action() in blog/wp-includes/plugin.php at line 453
  8. do_action() in blog/wp-settings.php at line 450
  9. require_once() in blog/wp-config.php at line 77
  10. require_once() in blog/wp-load.php at line 37
  11. require_once() in blog/wp-blog-header.php at line 13
  12. require() in blog/index.php at line 17
Oh wait, looks like redis cache didn't purge properly... I got it back up and running now...

Back to having other errors :) Tickets open for those.
This is a very large add-on that just didn't work well with the scope of our subscription. If your subscription has been active for at least 3 months you should've gotten a coupon code for 50% off XPress, if you didn't get this just make a ticket and we'll have a look :)

In that case, I think you need to change how you market your subs on your website.

Have it worded as: Access to all XenForo 2 Add-ons (excluding XPress)

At the moment, a potential customer could misinterpret the current description and believe they have full access.

In that case, I think you need to change how you market your subs on your website.

Have it worded as: Access to all XenForo 2 Add-ons (excluding XPress)

At the moment, a potential customer could misinterpret the current description and believe they have full access.

View attachment 181150
Yea, I mentioned the same a while ago in a ticket on their site.
I can understand the business decision , but it’s false advertisement if they promise access to all xf2 add-ons without mentioning that xfpress isn’t part of the deal .
In that case, I think you need to change how you market your subs on your website.

Have it worded as: Access to all XenForo 2 Add-ons (excluding XPress)

At the moment, a potential customer could misinterpret the current description and believe they have full access.

View attachment 181150

I'll pass that onto our content team, but at the bottom it does say 20% Discount on XPress

Yea, I mentioned the same a while ago in a ticket on their site.
I can understand the business decision , but it’s false advertisement if they promise access to all xf2 add-ons without mentioning that xfpress isn’t part of the deal .

This is mentioned, it's the last bullet point on that page
Just the latest release is fine.
Something is not right. The SSO with previous version of patch level 4 was working fine. With this, it just doesn't work.
So I had to remove this for the time being. :(
WP shows - Version 1.0.0 Patch Level 3
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Thanks I upgraded and everything went smooth.

There is a bug that has been around since I first installed this.

In articles, sometimes the widgets in the sidebar shows 2x - you can see for yourself here: https://xn--hrtapsnett-15a.no/hartap/

If you navigate around the in the (few) articles I have published and the forum itself, you will see that there is only on a couple of the articles this bugs happens.
Support over ticket is really bad.
For me
login to XF - Click on Home to go to WP. Shows logged in to WP
Click on any link on WP and it logs out and gets back to XF to login again and cycle repeats. So, one can never reach admin of WP.
Support over ticket is really bad.
For me
login to XF - Click on Home to go to WP. Shows logged in to WP
Click on any link on WP and it logs out and gets back to XF to login again and cycle repeats. So, one can never reach admin of WP.

I second this. In first case, just after the release of the theme/bridge, the support was outstanding. Now, the support is not as expected unfortunately.
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