[XFA] RM Marketplace/Shop - XF2

[XFA] RM Marketplace/Shop - XF2 [Paid] 5.3.0

No permission to buy (€60.00)
I just try to buy with my CreditCard your addon three times. Each time i get from PayPay that something going wrong and i was linked back to your shop site.
I assume that is basicaly a regional paypal restriction or some like this. As you know PayPal has stop offering their services years ago for Turkey. may it is related with this. Pease let me know how else i can pay your addon.


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Hi, is there a way to disable shipping address (on paypal) on the digital sales. I am worried about being GDPR compliant with those details being sent unnecessarily
Hi, is there a way to disable shipping address (on paypal) on the digital sales. I am worried about being GDPR compliant with those details being sent unnecessarily
In the latest version I fixed the bug that was asking for it in digital sales.
Or is there something I missed ?
Can you clarify


is what users see when adding their payment details

When this is what you tell me as an Admin, is it encrypted or not?
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Hum, can you please clarify how you see that ?

This is using the custom paypal method right ?
Hum, can you please clarify how you see that ?

This is using the custom paypal method right ?
Sure, this is using the xf standard method. (Forgive cant remember correct name currently out the house)
When someone purchases the item it takes them to paypal, when they log in to paypal and confirm payment their address is sent along with the money.
Ok I have checked the code, indeed for paypal I checked that option upfront.

I'll mark this as a bug.
Thanks is there an ETA for a fix on this?
That's a question not to be asked 😬
I'll give you the in due time answer.

I have a little backlog right now and this will need some changes our Core add-on so I have to think about it a little bit.
Would it be possible to add a function so that you could add resource image from URL? This would make it possible to use an attached image and prevent duplicate uploads.
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