[XFA] RM Marketplace/Shop - XF2

[XFA] RM Marketplace/Shop - XF2 [Paid] 5.5.2

No permission to buy (€60.00)
It's only come to light that when members are trying to purchase resources, the following error appears.
ErrorException: [E_WARNING] Undefined array key "ACK" in src/addons/XFA/Core/Service/PayPal/SetExpressCheckout.php at line 167

    XF::handlePhpError() in src/addons/XFA/Core/Service/PayPal/SetExpressCheckout.php at line 167
    XFA\Core\Service\PayPal\SetExpressCheckout->run() in src/addons/XFA/RMMarketplace/Pub/Controller/Purchase.php at line 287
    XFA\RMMarketplace\Pub\Controller\Purchase->actionPurchase() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 352
    XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchClass() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 259
    XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchFromMatch() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 115
    XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchLoop() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 57
    XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run() in src/XF/App.php at line 2353
    XF\App->run() in src/XF.php at line 524
    XF::runApp() in index.php at line 20

I believe this may have started for resources added after I updated to the most recent, as older resources work fine.
Any advice greatly appreciated. I'm using the lastest version of core.
It's only come to light that when members are trying to purchase resources, the following error appears.
ErrorException: [E_WARNING] Undefined array key "ACK" in src/addons/XFA/Core/Service/PayPal/SetExpressCheckout.php at line 167

    XF::handlePhpError() in src/addons/XFA/Core/Service/PayPal/SetExpressCheckout.php at line 167
    XFA\Core\Service\PayPal\SetExpressCheckout->run() in src/addons/XFA/RMMarketplace/Pub/Controller/Purchase.php at line 287
    XFA\RMMarketplace\Pub\Controller\Purchase->actionPurchase() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 352
    XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchClass() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 259
    XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchFromMatch() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 115
    XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchLoop() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 57
    XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run() in src/XF/App.php at line 2353
    XF\App->run() in src/XF.php at line 524
    XF::runApp() in index.php at line 20

I believe this may have started for resources added after I updated to the most recent, as older resources work fine.
Any advice greatly appreciated. I'm using the lastest version of core.
answered on our website
XFA updated [XFA] RM Marketplace/Shop - XF2 with a new update entry:

Bug fixes and new features

Corrected bugs:
  • Wrong permission check in edit sale page for other payment means acceptation
  • Missing serial key format field in edit sale page
  • Download button not visible for purchasers when a product sale has been disabled
  • Custom payment payment processing purchase form not inline with the XF payment method purchase form

  • Renamed license key generation to serial key generation
  • Prefixed all database tables with xf_ to meet XenForo...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Good morning @XFA,

I have my XenForo hosted on their Cloud Service so I can't get the access to the FTP.
I have a problem with the "Error inizialiting paypal" with the [1]'s option for XenForo.


I asked to their mod team if they can change the file but this is what they told me.
Please could you help me?
I followed all the steps, I am using different emails with Business account no restrictions.
But I can't change the PPConfiguration, please help me
Good morning @XFA,

I have my XenForo hosted on their Cloud Service so I can't get the access to the FTP.
I have a problem with the "Error inizialiting paypal" with the [1]'s option for XenForo.

View attachment 295029

I asked to their mod team if they can change the file but this is what they told me.
Please could you help me?
I followed all the steps, I am using different emails with Business account no restrictions.
But I can't change the PPConfiguration, please help me
If you have atleast ssh access to your site create that file at internal_data/ and add the content on the file
I don't have the access to SSH, the support team just answered me that the configuration is like on PayPal but it still doesn't work
It's clear that you have to edit and upload manually the file PPConfiguration.php.txt file into the internal_data folder
If you don't have access to upload that file on your site then you can't do anything about it,it won't work.
They are saying excuses to not provide you access to upload that file, ****y support. They could say atleast give us the file and we will upload that file on the location you want.

I'm not support of the addon, i use that addon for years since xf 1.5 and i know it very well
It's clear that you have to edit and upload manually the file PPConfiguration.php.txt file into the internal_data folder
If you don't have access to upload that file on your site then you can't do anything about it,it won't work.
They are saying excuses to not provide you access to upload that file, ****y support. They could say atleast give us the file and we will upload that file on the location you want.

I'm not support of the addon, i use that addon for years since xf 1.5 and i know it very well
The support already told me they did that.
But, unfortunately, the addon isn't still working...
Sorry for the delay, as stated on my website I had personal issues taking me away from the computer.

If you are using the cloud, I would suggest you not to use the custom payment method but rather the XenForo payment profiles.
XFA updated [XFA] RM Marketplace/Shop - XF2 with a new update entry:

Maintenance release

Corrected bugs:
  • Users can’t purchase new digital products when "Redirect users to renew when they own a renewable license" option is active
  • Users can’t purchase a new license for themselves or for a friend when "Redirect users to renew when they own a renewable license" option is active
  • Purchase child resource menu appears in resource’s header despite the lack of child resource
  • TypeError: XF::asVisitor(): Argument #1 ($user) must be of type XF\Entity\User, null given...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Core and ThreadFilter by AddOnLabs

Was using thread thumbnails but turned that off a while back.
Does this addon not work with the thread filter addon? Your error made it seem like you didn't have the latest XFA core installed.

I'm asking since this is a deal breaker for me as I depend on the thread filter addon.
So they already work as payment in this plugin? Or is it just planned?
You can read about it here,
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