XF2.3 feedback and comments

Have had an issue several times where I've made or edited a post and it hasn't submitted the entire thing. I think I've tracked it down to only submitting what was last saved as a draft. If I submit the post with Cmd + Enter it's sometimes cutting off like half a sentence as if it saved a draft while I was typing and has used that as the post body, not what was actually submitted, and sometimes just ignores edits made entirely. It's happened enough times that there has to be something that's changed here.
Is this bug at least on the team's radar? Just had it happen again, I edited a post to add an entire new sentence in, and when it was submitted only half the sentence was there, again as if it had saved a draft half way through typing and just used that. It's insanely annoying the number of times it's been happening.
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Is this bug at least on the team's radar? Just had it happen again, I edited a post to add an entire new sentence in, and when it was submitted only half the sentence was there, again as if it had saved a draft half way through typing and just used that. It's insanely annoying the number of times it's been happening.
Do you normally submit posts using Cmd + Enter or Ctrl + Enter and it exclusively happens with that approach? I don't think the ajax-submit:before event is firing when you submit the form with keyboard shortcuts.
Yeah I think that's the only way I submit the editor and it wasn't until I started digging I realised it was never doing it when clicking.

Anywho, I think I've fixed it and rolled it out here so @mattrogowski let me know if you still end up seeing this.
Nice, yeah I do tend to use Cmd + Enter so that's probably it. I'll keep an eye on it and see if it happens again.

As an aside, is this funky black and white theme intentional or has something happened my end?

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