XF 2.3 / 3.0 release date

Anyone else asking about release dates, etc. can be pointed to the first post in this thread
Sure, but one thing is to ask and another is the similar delay. It's no longer about asking. I would like the moderators and why not the administrators to put themselves in the place of the user who supports xenforo and not in the place of the competition
What would be a better thing to say? I say, what better than saying is doing and not expecting from the competition. I say competition because in the majority, both xenforo and a large competition that I do not wish to name, have that match and play without thinking about the users who bet on one or the other.
Since it was stated 2.3 would be here by the end of 2023 - and we only have a little over a month left to go for that timeline, what does it hurt at this point to state the actual release date?
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I have always had more frustration with companies who shall remain nameless (not forum software, more general) who announce release dates and then release half-assed, buggy software or skimp on promised features to meet the date than with ones who take their time and announce the date when they have a product that is actually ready. So Xenforo is doing it the way I prefer.
3.0 better not be released when GTA 6 is released. I’m having a month off on GTA6 when that happens.
If there's anything I've learned by some of the complaints in the last several months, it's that we won't see 3.0 until at least Q2 2027...so you'll have plenty of time to play GTA 6.
If there's anything I've learned by some of the complaints in the last several months, it's that we won't see 3.0 until at least Q2 2027...so you'll have plenty of time to play GTA 6.
Finally someone who thinks like me. And of course, did you think it could be there before?
That is why I took another path, because the reality is that this formula is not concrete, but not because it is bad, nor poorly conducted, it is because as all developers think of themselves, nothing more. They don't put themselves in the user's shoes, although sometimes they do, but 90% don't. But at this point we are going to have a problem, that's how these platforms are, you either want it or leave it. It's that easy
You have made your thoughts known many times over.

The question remains, what are you still doing posting here if you have already decided on other software?

It seems to be nothing more than trolling at this point.
Calling it thought is way too nice.
I didn't understand. How much is the license renewal cheaper in December compared to January? I just don't know the actual cost. I have never renewed the license before.
Normal £160 / £55pa
December £140 / £40pa
January £195 / £60pa

I think you can buy multiple renewals as well so you could purchase 3yrs @ £40/yr.
I didn't understand. How much is the license renewal cheaper in December compared to January? I just don't know the actual cost. I have never renewed the license before.

Right now the license renewals are as follows:

XenForo: $40
Media Gallery: $15
Resource Manager: $15
Enhanced Search: $10

Starting in January, they'll be this:

XenForo: $60
Media Gallery: $15
Resource Manager: $15
Enhanced Search: $10

At least I believe that's correct. Maybe one of the devs or @Paul B will correct me if I'm wrong. Basically, you'll save $20 per license renewal if you do it now vs waiting.
ItemType20232024UNMISSABLE OFFER - HO HO HOSavings
New licenses​
Renew licenses​
Media Gallery​
New licenses​
Renew licenses​
Resource Manager​
New licenses​
Renew licenses​
Enhanced Search​
New licenses​
Renew licenses​
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@Miri are those current pricing discounts? For some reason my current license renewal states $55 instead of $75. Oh looks like it's including the $15 for the resource manager. Do we know when those discount will expire?
The sale price for the XenForo renewal is $40. If you own Resource Manager it's an additional $15. The discounts will expire on 31st December.
I guess it's time I'm getting and upgrade then, I believe I still run 2.2.4 and with 2.3 coming out soon it makes sense I suppose.
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