XF 2.3 / 3.0 release date

We had one very important addon that prevented us from upgrading from 1.5 to 2.x since it was integral to one of our forum categories. So it's not always possible to immediately jump to a new major version.

Any thoughts on timing and strategy for optimal upgrade paths for 1.x sites?

If no addons are holding you up, it's best to do it at any time you can.
Any thoughts on timing and strategy for optimal upgrade paths for 1.x sites?
If everything goes to plan, then XF3 release will follow XF2.3 relatively quickly. XF3 will have a new styling system. You have a custom style. Upgrading your custom style would probably need to be done twice if you upgrade your site to XF2.3 first, before going to XF3. So I'd talk to @Russ about that.

You have quite a bit of essential addon functionality. I'd start upgrading those on a staging site, right after XF2.3 beta is publicly available. So that you can see what custom development is required and if/what addons need to be replaced. I'd guess that there will be a public beta after XF2.3 runs on xenforo.com for a month or so. So I would guesstimate that XF2.3 beta could be around December - January 2024. We will soon learn more about the time schedule I think.
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If everything goes to plan, then XF3 release will follow XF2.3 relatively quickly. XF3 will have a new styling system. You have a custom style. Upgrading your custom style would probably need to be done twice if you upgrade your site to XF2.3 first, before going to XF3. So I'd talk to @Russ about that.

You have quite a bit of essential addon functionality. I'd start upgrading those on a staging site, right after XF2.3 beta is publicly available. So that you can see what custom development is required and if/what addons need to be replaced. I'd guess that there will be a public beta after XF2.3 runs on xenforo.com for a month or so. So I would guesstimate that XF2.3 beta could be around December - January 2024. We will soon learn more about the time schedule I think.
This is like politics, they argue with you, that is, they stretch it until they reach the point where before falling off the cliff, they save themselves by launching an alpha, which is not even beta of course. But hey, the followers will have to follow if

XenForo is something good, but it lacks a lot to control the environment that perhaps other ditros, as I call it, have in their hands achieving great changes, but not because I say so, no, no, not at all, that is at a glance, it is That is why we must start to attract more developers and make them work. I have seen in another cylinder, also as I call it, but those in the know already know that when they see the work that only two developers do and in so little they do so much, that is where they have to focus. Now if the developers are not creative and have a more backward look and do not look to the future, yes, it will take them centuries to finish something simple.

What also happens is that the bad thing is in this generation, they look with a criticized tendency and do not look at futuristic trends, that is why this generation turns to decadence.

And without leaving aside the one who studies a lot but has a look of lumpiness and that is not good. I always follow, humility and truth is the great gain

I'll summarize it::::: What takes a long time does not always have good taste, but also, what takes a little time also has one more look at what can go wrong, or may not achieve expectations in whether it is accepted or not, but that It doesn't matter, because everything is fixed with patches. That's why I say, take a little time, but to take a little time there must be desire and commitment in what you do. That's why I say once again, if you can't, put several people to work. Several brains think more than in a conversation with 100 people
This is like politics, they argue with you, that is, they stretch it until they reach the point where before falling off the cliff, they save themselves by launching an alpha, which is not even beta of course. But hey, the followers will have to follow if

XenForo is something good, but it lacks a lot to control the environment that perhaps other ditros, as I call it, have in their hands achieving great changes, but not because I say so, no, no, not at all, that is at a glance, it is That is why we must start to attract more developers and make them work. I have seen in another cylinder, also as I call it, but those in the know already know that when they see the work that only two developers do and in so little they do so much, that is where they have to focus. Now if the developers are not creative and have a more backward look and do not look to the future, yes, it will take them centuries to finish something simple.

What also happens is that the bad thing is in this generation, they look with a criticized tendency and do not look at futuristic trends, that is why this generation turns to decadence.

And without leaving aside the one who studies a lot but has a look of lumpiness and that is not good. I always follow, humility and truth is the great gain
Downvoting you here because of you taking the time to get stuck into the staff for no real reason because of your own.
This is how the guys work. Call them slack if you wish to but you need to be the realist here and take that approach. These guys all have families they have to attend to and also other jobs they have to attend to.
You really shouldn't be like this at all.
You should be listening. We're telling you to upgrade your forum. You're telling everyone "hey i'm not going to upgrade my forum, i'm just going to whinge about it until the cows come home". It's effectively telling us all where to stick it.
This is like politics, they argue with you, that is, they stretch it until they reach the point where before falling off the cliff, they save themselves by launching an alpha, which is not even beta of course. But hey, the followers will have to follow if

XenForo is something good, but it lacks a lot to control the environment that perhaps other ditros, as I call it, have in their hands achieving great changes, but not because I say so, no, no, not at all, that is at a glance, it is That is why we must start to attract more developers and make them work. I have seen in another cylinder, also as I call it, but those in the know already know that when they see the work that only two developers do and in so little they do so much, that is where they have to focus. Now if the developers are not creative and have a more backward look and do not look to the future, yes, it will take them centuries to finish something simple.

What also happens is that the bad thing is in this generation, they look with a criticized tendency and do not look at futuristic trends, that is why this generation turns to decadence.

And without leaving aside the one who studies a lot but has a look of lumpiness and that is not good. I always follow, humility and truth is the great gain

I'll summarize it::::: What takes a long time does not always have good taste, but also, what takes a little time also has one more look at what can go wrong, or may not achieve expectations in whether it is accepted or not, but that It doesn't matter, because everything is fixed with patches. That's why I say, take a little time, but to take a little time there must be desire and commitment in what you do. That's why I say once again, if you can't, put several people to work. Several brains think more than in a conversation with 100 people
Thank you for your expert advice, I look forward to your next Ted Talk where you say absolutely nothing of relevance, importance or interest to the majority of people on this site.
Downvoting you here because of you taking the time to get stuck into the staff for no real reason because of your own.
This is how the guys work. Call them slack if you wish to but you need to be the realist here and take that approach. These guys all have families they have to attend to and also other jobs they have to attend to.
You really shouldn't be like this at all.
You should be listening. We're telling you to upgrade your forum. You're telling everyone "hey i'm not going to upgrade my forum, i'm just going to whinge about it until the cows come home". It's effectively telling us all where to stick it.
In short, it would be good for you to understand the metaphor and not write so much
Although it seems to be working fine in my case, and I've only had to use it here twice. 😇
If you add some active posters to your ignore list, then you will encounter quite a few quirks. My ignore list is quite lengthy.
Some of the things that XF does is show you there is new content when there only is ignored content, and then when you land in the thread you get an empty page. i.e. a thread without posts. Because the only post on the page is ignored.
The ignored member can quote you or react on your message, giving you alerts about the ignored member.

There are various quirks with the ignore system. I hope that it will be revamped at some point, because its something that my members frequently have serious issue with. Especially with the things mentioned in this suggestion:
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If you add some active posters to your ignore list, then you will encounter quite a few quirks.
I have one very active poster on Ignore on my site. Some mornings I go in and the Latest Posts widget is empty because it hides anything from ignored users and doesn't replace them with latest posts from other posters.

That's the quirk that's been bugging me the most.
Some of the things that XF does is show you there is new content when there only is ignored content, and then when you land in the thread you get an empty page. i.e. a thread without posts. Because the only post on the page is ignored.

I have one very active poster on Ignore on my site. Some mornings I go in and the Latest Posts widget is empty because it hides anything from ignored users and doesn't replace them with latest posts from other posters.

That's the quirk that's been bugging me the most.

Yes, agreed, and I encounter the same. I have one member ignored on a forum I run, but not due to bad behavior. It's just someone who tends to answer off the cuff with nothing that really adds to a conversation. He's also obsessed with posting obituaries of well-known people in our niche, and I ended up having to get him to redirect all the obits into a single thread since we were starting to take on the appearance of a funeral home's memory board with obits overtaking the forum! So that skews things a bit in our forum also.

It's not perfect but for reducing "noise" (my most polite way of putting it), I find it very helpful despite its flaws.
I have one very active poster on Ignore on my site. Some mornings I go in and the Latest Posts widget is empty because it hides anything from ignored users and doesn't replace them with latest posts from other posters.

That's the quirk that's been bugging me the most.
have you reported here?
Plugins installed via the browser still remain on the server as .zip after installation. Since they pose a security risk, can we have them automatically deleted after installation in the new version?

After installation, it is still in .zip files.
i can see just one zip file with a randomized name in the temp folder. i assume xenforo cleans it up on a schedule. coz i have updated addons multiple times in the last couple of days.
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