XF 2.3 / 3.0 release date

Why such slowness based on development and wisdom? Today I was watching the development of IPS 5 and I really couldn't believe what I saw in 2 videos
As someone who has worked in IT for over 20 years, I will take well-written, bug-free code over fast anytime. The cloud has seriously skewed development cycles in favour of rapid releases and glossy, cosmetic features over quality and utility. I do not see that as a good thing. So I actually think XF is on the right track.
As someone who has worked in IT for over 20 years, I will take well-written, bug-free code over fast anytime. The cloud has seriously skewed development cycles in favour of rapid releases and glossy, cosmetic features over quality and utility. I do not see that as a good thing. So I actually think XF is on the right track.
Yes, what you say is fine, to that we add that when it appears in this version of Invision Community, at least in my opinion it would be intended more for companies, but that is my guess.

As someone who has worked in IT for over 20 years, I will take well-written, bug-free code over fast anytime. The cloud has seriously skewed development cycles in favour of rapid releases and glossy, cosmetic features over quality and utility. I do not see that as a good thing. So I actually think XF is on the right track.
But from what I've seen, whoever is developing version 5 is something impressive. I think that theme designers are not going to have much work creating their designs in themes, I also think that maybe not much is needed because of the theme editor. Look, personally I believed that XenForo is much better, but what this new designer who arrived not long ago at IPB has done is incredible what he is doing.

As someone who has worked in IT for over 20 years, I will take well-written, bug-free code over fast anytime. The cloud has seriously skewed development cycles in favour of rapid releases and glossy, cosmetic features over quality and utility. I do not see that as a good thing. So I actually think XF is on the right track.
In one more week we will see the new design of CKEditor 5, which is really what is expected. The developer had already stated that not only will it be integrated, but it will have an amazing design.
It sounds like you have already made your mind up.
I have a special affection for xenforo, it is excellent in everything, but the most serious thing about xenforo is that it takes a century to give or grant feature updates, even common security updates. But hey, that's how things are, another is another and this is this
Yes, what you say is fine, to that we add that when it appears in this version of Invision Community, at least in my opinion it would be intended more for companies, but that is my guess.

But from what I've seen, whoever is developing version 5 is something impressive. I think that theme designers are not going to have much work creating their designs in themes, I also think that maybe not much is needed because of the theme editor. Look, personally I believed that XenForo is much better, but what this new designer who arrived not long ago at IPB has done is incredible what he is doing.

In one more week we will see the new design of CKEditor 5, which is really what is expected. The developer had already stated that not only will it be integrated, but it will have an amazing design.

Thanks @Paul B for merging this.

Here's my 2c (apologies in advance for my Tarzan English and some innevitable "bed spilling" 🙃 ):

Background (in my days...)

I've been using forums since the BBS times. Both as a user/member, and as a moderator and administrator.
Tried different software over the years and seen their pros and cons.


My impression of XenForo (first as a user, now running my own forum) is that it's pretty good.

It looks as if a forum user/admin did what I did (i.e. used and tried different forum software for a while), then made a list of what's good, and what needs to be added or improved. Then built a forum software that ticks all those boxes.

No unnecessary stuff that will make it difficult to build, secure, and keep up to date. Nope. That's left to the add-on/extension developers to build and maintain on their own.

The devs' choice of what should be in the "core" and what should be left out is pretty good and reasonable IMO. Sure, there are some things that I (me, me me me) would like to see included, but objectivelly, that's my problem (though some of that stuff is announced for the 2.3 version & I'm looking forward to it :) ). I think it's fair to say that they drew the line correctly. And it's good to see they don't include every feature that everyone (or even a greater number of users) suggests - as that has its costs down the line.

Regarding the updates' "pace" - I suppose that forum devs are normal people with lives and families. Can't really expect them to work night and day. Hiring more devs may not speed things up (not really, not for every project), and it would definitely cost more (XenForo price, and update costs are really reasonable and don't look like a cash-grab scheme).

Also, the now forgotten & obsolete discipline of "beta testing" seems to be alive and well with XenForo. Instead of shipping update after update (for update sake?), XenForo devs appear to be actually testing and caring about the quality.


"IPB" (formerly known as "Invision Power Board," and now as "Invision Community) seems to be concentrating on their cloud solution, and leaving the self-hosted option as an extra (needless/neglected?). That, more than their pricing, was why I decided to go with XenForo. Another aspect is that the IPB seems like a do-it-all solution, while XenForo seems to be concentrated on "just" forum (I suppose you can do more than that with XenForo too, but the software's "emphasis" is clear).

For some people, this could be an advantage. For me it is a disadvantage.

Of course, no one can please everyone. It is perfectly fine if you think XenForo is not a good fit for you. It does have its cons (along with its pros).

Final thoughts (i.e. more drivel 🙃 )​

Building software that is powerful (and feature-rich), good, swift and secure is not easy. And every choice has its pros and cons, just as every feature has its costs (not just in terms of money).

My impression is that XenForo devs know what they're doing (a rare thing nowadays), and that they care about building a good product.

The IPB boards I've used, as a user/member, are great - no doubt. It is where they seem to be heading towards that I don't like (again, your choices, tastes and preferences may differ - that's OK).

Relja BrevityIsNotMyVirtue Novović
I have a special affection for xenforo, it is excellent in everything, but the most serious thing about xenforo is that it takes a century to give or grant feature updates, even common security updates. But hey, that's how things are, another is another and this is this
They have already stated that they will be doing more frequent feature updates going forward . What are the security problems they've taken a century to address? I can't think of any offhand that have ever especially worried me, so just curious.
Thanks @Paul B for merging this.

Here's my 2c (apologies in advance for my Tarzan English and some innevitable "bed spilling" 🙃 ):

Background (in my days...)

I've been using forums since the BBS times. Both as a user/member, and as a moderator and administrator.
Tried different software over the years and seen their pros and cons.


My impression of XenForo (first as a user, now running my own forum) is that it's pretty good.

It looks as if a forum user/admin did what I did (i.e. used and tried different forum software for a while), then made a list of what's good, and what needs to be added or improved. Then built a forum software that ticks all those boxes.

No unnecessary stuff that will make it difficult to build, secure, and keep up to date. Nope. That's left to the add-on/extension developers to build and maintain on their own.

The devs' choice of what should be in the "core" and what should be left out is pretty good and reasonable IMO. Sure, there are some things that I (me, me me me) would like to see included, but objectivelly, that's my problem (though some of that stuff is announced for the 2.3 version & I'm looking forward to it :) ). I think it's fair to say that they drew the line correctly. And it's good to see they don't include every feature that everyone (or even a greater number of users) suggests - as that has its costs down the line.

Regarding the updates' "pace" - I suppose that forum devs are normal people with lives and families. Can't really expect them to work night and day. Hiring more devs may not speed things up (not really, not for every project), and it would definitely cost more (XenForo price, and update costs are really reasonable and don't look like a cash-grab scheme).

Also, the now forgotten & obsolete discipline of "beta testing" seems to be alive and well with XenForo. Instead of shipping update after update (for update sake?), XenForo devs appear to be actually testing and caring about the quality.


"IPB" (formerly known as "Invision Power Board," and now as "Invision Community) seems to be concentrating on their cloud solution, and leaving the self-hosted option as an extra (needless/neglected?). That, more than their pricing, was why I decided to go with XenForo. Another aspect is that the IPB seems like a do-it-all solution, while XenForo seems to be concentrated on "just" forum (I suppose you can do more than that with XenForo too, but the software's "emphasis" is clear).

For some people, this could be an advantage. For me it is a disadvantage.

Of course, no one can please everyone. It is perfectly fine if you think XenForo is not a good fit for you. It does have its cons (along with its pros).

Final thoughts (i.e. more drivel 🙃 )​

Building software that is powerful (and feature-rich), good, swift and secure is not easy. And every choice has its pros and cons, just as every feature has its costs (not just in terms of money).

My impression is that XenForo devs know what they're doing (a rare thing nowadays), and that they care about building a good product.

The IPB boards I've used, as a user/member, are great - no doubt. It is where they seem to be heading towards that I don't like (again, your choices, tastes and preferences may differ - that's OK).

Relja BrevityIsNotMyVirtue Novović
How great isn't it::: You said a lot and at the same time nothing; That is to say, do you think that at some point not so far away Xenforo will not accept the cloud?

But I will take into account what you have written
I don't talk anymore. I think they have a different perspective when it comes to development. But in theory it is not bad but you have to look at other points of view in matters of time. Nor is it about having a lot of people developing, what is really missing and the main base is the desire to do
How great isn't it::: You said a lot and at the same time nothing; That is to say, do you think that at some point not so far away Xenforo will not accept the cloud?

But I will take into account what you have written
XenForo already has the cloud option/version. but, apparently, without neglecting the self hosted option.

What is your experience with software development?
XenForo already has the cloud option/version. but, apparently, without neglecting the self hosted option.

What is your experience with software development?
I leave that to your discretion. Surely you can destroy and think, I am also sure that you would have studied, and under that study you acquired culture, right? Well, think and don't ask questions that don't contribute anything, just be thoughtful and cultured. Once a professor gave me a marketing class and told me something fantastic, that better than saying is doing, better than asking is diserning, and finally, better than thinking what the other knows is creating. Keep this in mind before asking what someone knows or how they learned or the level they acquired.
I like it. @Kier @Chris D make it so! :ROFLMAO:

Season 10 GIF by ABC Network
Any thoughts on timing and strategy for optimal upgrade paths for 1.x sites?
Yeah... why haven't you by now? If you use bespoke add-ons, there has been ample time to accumulate funds to update them to the newer version.
Any thoughts on timing and strategy for optimal upgrade paths for 1.x sites?
My strategy was:

Set up dev environment (since we didn't have one at that point)

Engage stylist to redo our styling

Review add-ons (most could be replaced by 2.x native functionality, others had 2.x versions or equivalents)

Test it all in my dev once the updated style was ready

Promo the upgrade and new features in threads on the site

That said, other than styling mine was all out of box and third party add-ons. There was no in-house custom to deal with.

And as others have said, you really need to get onto a supported version.

On topic, at current pace, I am betting on seeing at least a beta of 2.3 by Christmas with release maybe in Q1 2024 and 3.0 maybe Q2 or Q3 next year.
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