XF 1.1 XF 1.1 to XF 1.2

Hello xenForo support,

I was trying to upgrade my XF 1.1.5 forum to version 1.2.3 today, but it took about 40 minutes to load and in the end gave me a 500 internal server error.

After that situation I just decided that a clean install would be better, and import the data from my 1.1.5 board to my 1.2.3 board. I can't seem to find out how to do that. I have tried installing the the board on the database that had the old data, but that didn't work. I have a backup of the database, if needed.

I would like some assistance to help me import my 1.1.5 posts, members and all data over, is this possible from my 1.1.5 board to my 1.2.3 board? Will database be needed? Please help!
Is it not being handled by a ticket?

I don't know what state it is currently in so I will repeat my previous post and suggest you restore it to the point it was working, from where a new upgrade can be attempted.
The state isn't really clearer in the ticket:

I'm not totally clear on the actual state of the site. You mentioned installing again into the same database; if you did this, that would have wiped out the old data and you will need to restore your database. If you still have the data in the database and the half completed upgrade, you just need to use the 1.2.3 files and continue the upgrade.

Really, fundamentally, you just need to make the data consistent. If you are upgrading to 1.2.3, you need the 1.2.3 files in place and the data in the database that corresponds to whatever database you started upgrading. (The library/config.php needs to correspond to this as well.)
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