XenZine Articles [Deleted]

yeah, but if you are going to make a "Categories-Carousel", it should display the Categories... even if it is only 1 Category-image which is displayed in the Carousel.
It should show the image of a Category and the left-right Navigation-arrows of the Carousel (even if it is only showing 1 Category-image in the Carousel when browsing via mobile-phone).

Otherwise the user will not be able to switch between Categories (via the Carousel) and will not be able to select a Category when browsing via a mobile-phone.
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yeah, but if you are going to make a "Categories-Carousel", it should display the Categories... even if it is only 1 Category-image which is displayed in the Carousel.
It should show the image of a Category and the left-right Navigation-arrows of the Carousel (even if it is only showing 1 Category-image).

Otherwise the user will not be able to switch between Categories and will not be able to select a Category when browsing via a mobile-phone.

Hmmm, for small devices, I don't think displaying a 1 item carousel is a good idea (flipping back to the current method may work better on small devices)
However, I don't have to hide the category carousel (I'm hiding the ones that aren't necessary: picks/ rated / recent)

For a small device, you have to start stripping out things. A carousel with 1 item takes up too much space for what it does. Consider a carousel with 30 items, there would then be 30 pagination nodes, which would look silly... I could kill the pagination nodes on small devices, but these particular carousels are just not needed when we start cropping out data for small devices.

However, something that is needed (I've just done some testing on the IPad) is for the carousel to listen to page resizing. Flipping the the screen from V to H the articles move correctly, but the carousels needs to re-load. /* To Do */
I mean:
on small devices like a mobile-phone, it should only show ONE Category-image and the "Navigation Arrows" of the Carousel.

So you can flip through the categories via the "left-right arrows" at the Carousel.

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Should it...I think picks/recent/rated are do-away-able (removable). If someone wants to view the article list and they are limited in space, then the it's important to view the article list, and ditto for the category list, but it's not so important to view the optional rows ... It sounds like this might need to be added as an option (since I know I would like to make optional rows disappear on small devices)
generally speaking (not related to "mobile-phone devices", but in general for this Addon):
Ditch all other Carousels. There should be ONE Carousel only.

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Sounds like you want Custom Tabs per Category.... I'm going to add custom Tabs at some point, I'm not sure how do-able custom Tabs per category will be, I'll look into it when doing the custom Tabs (added to the to-do as a possible if easy: 19B) See To Do List

Actually, doesnt even need to be that (Can be if it suits tho!) - All it needs to be is the option to have specific fields that can be filled in when you are creating a new article e.g. if you are creating a review on a film, you can set up the article to load a set of admin-set "values" which would be loaded on display...

Sorta like this...


Where the "region", "Certificate" etc are all fields that have the answers so to speak to be filled in, set by the Admin when the category is created, and also the Ratings are blanks ready for the reviewer to put in the numbers"... If you catch my drift (trying to communicate it is difficult!!)...

Seems like a lot, however there's plenty of blanks in there that just need to be filled... lol :D Means it can be used as both an article AND review manager.. (I know lots have been after a review engine since GARS diappeared from vB...)

Anyway, couldnt resist any longer, so have just bought this - it's a great article manager, and many thanks for taking the time to build it :)

Category-specific custom fields to be displayed at the Article-page ?
So the Admin could define different "Custom Fields" for each Category. Fields to be filled by the user when creating an article.

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Category-specific custom fields to be displayed at the Article-page ?
So the Admin could define different "Custom Fields" for each Category. Fields to be filled by the user when creating an article.

See - why use 100 words when a short sentance will do :D Hadnt thought about classifieds, and couldnt see how that would work, however the more i think about it, the more i can see how it would.....

That wasnt my idea tho (You can take the Kudos for that one! :D) - I was just thinking that Each Category could have it's own fields (you;d require different custom fields for each category, all set by the Admin) since the fields required for say a dvd article/review would be completely different to those for a software package article/review....

I mean - it's such a good idea all round that Tenants could add these as optional add-ons to the main article manager and charge people extra for each "module" they wanted to add.. ;) And thats the Article/review/classified market all sown up in one package :cool:
@tenants I know you get a lot of requests but I really need a date changer so as to import existing articles I have.
I can log in as user to transfer an article with the right username on it. But then I need to make the date the same as the original article.
I imagine this might affect a few others. Can you help or do I need to ask someone else?
@tenants I know you get a lot of requests but I really need a date changer so as to import existing articles I have.
I can log in as user to transfer an article with the right username on it. But then I need to make the date the same as the original article.
I imagine this might affect a few others. Can you help or do I need to ask someone else?

Its already there... also, when converting a thread to an article you can use "post_time" for your publish time (this is ticked by default, but all default can be changed in the ACP).

To Modify The Publish Date Of An Existing Article:


To Convert A Thread To An Article, And Use The Post_Time As Its Publish Time:

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I would be great if you could build an "option" to have the Article-page open up in an overlay atop the "Article List".

This would eliminate the need to click the Browser-back-button (or eliminate the need of clicking the Tab in the NavBar) when being at an "Article page" and you want to go back to the "Article List page".
It would also reduce traffic-load as the Masonry-tiles will not have to be loaded again and again, since you keep staying at the "Article List page" and view the article in an overlay.

For "Reviews" and "Discussions", there could be 2 buttons added (in the overlay) which will direct you to those pages.
The "Reviews"-page and the Forum-thread itself will not be in an overlay, but normal pages.

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tenants updated XenZine Articles with a new update entry:

Fix To Work with Quattro

  • If sidebar is turned off it still displays in reviews - fixed
  • Quattro. The add-on for quattro always expects to launch the in-line editor from a page that already contains a non inline editor. If Quattro is installed and atcitve, the submit an article area now contains a hidden non-inline editor
- Note, I can't support Quattro if it is changed in the future. This is only a fix for the current version, but I have contacted cclaerhout about this issue, and hopefully Quattro can support more add-ons in the future (for when the inline editor is launched from a page that does not contain an existing editor / scripts)

Read the rest of this update entry...


The above demonstrates that this is now working with the Quattro Add-on should you use it (This is does not mean I support Quattro, just the current 1.1.1 version since I can't predict the future of Quattro)
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@Carla Birch you're certainly giving me insentives to support it, I didn't know you could do that with images. If enough people use Quattro, I'll certainly look into it.

People have asked for image wrapping (y)
Anyway, I'm glad it's working for you now
@Carla Birch you're certainly giving me insentives to support it, I didn't know you could do that with images. If enough people use Quattro, I'll certainly look into it.

People have asked for image wrapping (y)
Anyway, I'm glad it's working for you now
It be great for you & @cclaerhout if you got it working 100% because it opens up so much for a articles system, as it add's slide shows support, image wrapping and captions, tabs and more. I make use of the Quattro add-on plus the following:
A flawless working combination of the advanced bb-codes pack and this articles systems would clearly be a hit.
And the advanced-bb-codes pack is really amazing.
It be great for you & @cclaerhout if you got it working 100% because it opens up so much for a articles system, as it add's slide shows support, image wrapping and captions, tabs and more. I make use of the Quattro add-on plus the following:

It should work as is for the current version (and hopefully future versions), let me know if you find any issue with it
It should work as is for the current version (and hopefully future versions), let me know if you find any issue with it
The only issues so far is just some of the advanced BB-codes don't work like tabs and slide show is hit and miss, but that's more likely on the side of that add-on, but right now its not a worry for me as the main thing was getting the editor to show up, but if you and cclaerhout got it all working, you would have a very powerful set up to make articles with :)
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