XenVetana (was XenVetica)

I personally find Verdana easiest to read but I'm really grateful for this theme because it's so much easier, even if it's not as easy as Verdana is for me. I guess it's a personal thing, but thanks for making this! :)

Your absolutely correct and hit right on the spot. Fonts are preference driven and differ from person to person.
Meh, looks eh ..

less fresh/modern ..

Not too sure about it. I will leave it run for a while and get used to it.
I've switched back to the default already. I really don't like Helvetica for post text. Maybe I'll try converting .messageText to use Verdana instead for the XenVetica style.
I've switched back to the default already. I really don't like Helvetica for post text. Maybe I'll try converting .messageText to use Verdana instead for the XenVetica style.

Verdana will always have my vote! :)
Is it me or am I the only one thinking there's a mile of text spacing in the "Hannah Montana that wanted to use the Xenvetana" style?
I don't like so, I think this font is wrong with the visual style. (more height and slim, too linear)
well to be fair I can see it having it's uses. you could comfortably sit a mile away from the comp with a wireless keyboard and mouse and relax on the couch without worrying that the text being small.

Another benefit you wouldn't have to use the fontsize dropdown menu in the editor either.
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